Notification for new SMS not possible anymore

Since a few weeks I don’t get any notification anymore when a new SMS arrives. When I check the notification settings I see it is switched off and greyed out, I can’t activate it. Has something changed in a recent version? Has someone experienced the same problem?

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This is really strange: My notification settings for the SMS app are activated and cannot be deactivated, i.e., they are greyed out, but “stuck on” the active state.

As a workaround, you may install an alternative SMS app (I would recommend Fossify SMS Messenger) and check whether notifications are properly displayed by it.

Still, it would be interesting whether other users experience the same problem as you.

Well, thank you for the suggestion, but if several users have a problem with notification settings being stuck, that is definitely something the /e/ team should look into. I’d rather wait fir their feedback and update rather than getting myself into changing apps without knowing why this issue occurred in the first place, especially since I did not swith the notification off (for as far as I can remember!)
Kind regards,

@Manoj obviously I am not the only one experiencing this issue … is this a known problem that you guys (or the developers behind the SMS app) are working on? This problem has quite an impact on communicatoon because you get information with a big delay whereas SMS is supposed to be a quick (instant) way of communication.
Thanks in advance!

Is your issue similar to this bug reported on Gitlab.

Dear @Manoj thanks for sharing that, but my SMS notifications do not even pop up when the screen is unlocked.

I saw an /e/ (ooops, Murena) update this morning, was delighted to discover the new layout and was hoping the update would also have solved the greyed-out default notification settings and missing notification sound issue, but it did not … :face_exhaling:
Is this issue known to developers and being adressed or is it just me not understanding my Samsung S7 phone?

Hi @Manoj , sorry I forgot to mention you in my earlier reply. No notification on the screen and no notification sound. Nothing I do seems to change it, and some notification parameters are greyed out for reasons I don’t understand). This is the most annoying and lasting issue I have had since I switched to murena. I hope to see this solved in the near future.

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