Official /e/OS builds for Nothing - CMF Phone 1 (tetris)

I thought the official version was not available. There is no link in the documentation. That’s why I was waiting for this version.

I have now found the link here /e/OS official tetris download

If I understand correctly, if I want to switch to the official branch, I have to reinstall with the data wipe. Is it necessary to install the stock ROM first?


I think because it is ‘Alpha’ they don’t show it :woman_shrugging::woman_shrugging:

And yes switching to official will resolve in data loss

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I don’t care which branch release first. Official branch policy suits me better than Community one, that’s all.

Can anyone confirm, that even with this smartphone it is necessary to install the stock ROM first?

@piero knows what I was talking about, but you don’t! However, that’s meaningless to me.

Really? I was just asking politely about a technical detail that had nothing to do with the release date. You just missed my point.

At one point you wrote ‘testing community’. To what community you were refering I am not sure. But testing can be done for ‘official’ and also ‘community’ builds. That is what @Xxpsilon and @piero were talking about.

And I take back my data loss comment when switching build types, as Piero suggested you can (did it myself also before) if bootloader is unlocked (e/OS/-Team doesn’t recommend it)

Acording to this article Different Build Types, I want to run Official build. I understand that currently they may be identical builds, but this may not be the case in the future. I prefer a more tested build before an earlier release date.

Can you please provide me a link with instructions how to switch to another branch? Data loss i OK for me. But according to this post, that’s not possible Switch from s-dev branch to s-stable branch? - #5 by Manoj. That’s why I asked about the stock ROM.

I have no idea what is currently installed for you.

If e/OS/ with community, you could sideload the official one, stay on the same version or newer is even better. I did it once years ago and it worked (I know not recommended but if you know what you do and aren’t afraid you can risk it)

If you are on stock then you could use the installation guide and use the official zip rather then the community one. The link for the official one you found.

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yes it is called “dirty-flash” when flashing without “factory-reset” (formating /data) or “clean-install” when flashing applying the “factory-reset” step.

@joelp you are saying that you want the best of official and would like stable; so Format data and treating it as Fresh install is the clean way to do that.


I have successfully installed /e/os on my cmfphone 1 after playing around with nothing-os for a short while. Install process was spot on.
First impression is good. I have the following remarks

  • On more than one occasions the ui went choppy when moving around. After switching to and back from camera app it was fine again.
  • i have used e/os on a xiaomi device and the original camera app was included there. On the CMF it does not include the original camera app from nothing(more or less a google camera app that has been finetuned). Open camera does not quite fit the bill for me. Any chance that the original camera app ( or at least a better one) is included at some point? Would be great!!
  • In an other 2.6 install, double tapping the home button selects the first home screen. on the CMF phone 1, nothing happens … it will stay on the currently visible screen AFTER REBOOT THIS IS OK
  • On another install one can set up that tapping the screen will wake the device. On the CMf, the only way is to press the power button. As the fingerprint sensor is in the screen, it will not function if you je press that area of the screen. On the other phone, pressing the FP sensor wakes the device immediately
  • After wake up the screen is stuttery. See item no 1 ALSO SEEMS RESOLVED AFTER REBOOT ??!?

Perhaps some of these issues will be addressed in the final version

For the rest i am super excited about this. Great work!

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