OS updates fail

Hey all!

I’ve been a happy owner of a FP4 with /e/OS for about a year now. Since OS version 1.12, I’ve not been able to update to newer versions (1.15 now). The updater app finds updates and I can download them without issue. However, whenever I choose install, the app gives a popup that I’m about to update etc, and when I choose OK it just crashes and disappears with the message Updater keeps stopping.

Could someone help me out here? The updater version is 12.

I’ve already tried removing the data and re-downloading which was suggested for a similar problem, which didn’t help

Maybe this could help:

Sorry for being unclear, that’s what I referred to with mentioning I removed the data before. What you mention doesn’t resolve my issue unfortunately.

What worked for me was clearing the cache AND the storage data.

Also my phone was in french, so the name of the updater wasn’t “updater” and I had 2 app that looks like the updater, what language is your phone ? If not english, I suggest you put it in english, find “updater” and clear cache and also storage data.

My phone is in English and I cleared both, yes.

Also, our problems are not exactly the same, your updater app didn’t work, for me the updating doesn’t work.

Okay so no luck this way.
Another try: I also had a similar problem before, and realized my phone had updated itself but still proposed me the update, thus why it closed itself when I tried to update it a second time. Check your actual version by any chance ?

The installed version is 1.12, specifically: 1.12.3-s-20230615299639-stable-FP4

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