Over years not happy with battery life

OK, you are the boss. But for me the 1st explanation with details. Waiting and hoping for A13 “T”

What happens with the battery life if you disable 5G?

not really, I just speculate from code and commits. But: you’re more likely to receive an improvement (or regression) when being more current on the kernel versions - and those are in the Android 13 build. You can flash an upgrade in-place, but there are risks. (I see you’re on 1.19.1-s-20240110372023-stable-FP4)

“dfc” inside rmnet probably stands for data flow control. There are commits from Qualcomm proper that try to improve power use but the Lineage maintainer seemingly preferred an older solution. It’s nowhere written what that decision is based on, you’ll have to test and measure (on same conditions).

What causes rmnet dfc to be active isn’t clear either, it can still originate from something Android queries for that keeps the talk to the modem alive. I have no explanation for what happens there systematically.

PS: also check if modem firmware is the most current. I guess they’re shipped with the flashing image but note down

I had an FP4 with e/OS for 2 years. Signal FOSS was a source of massive energy consumption for me, in the background 5-10% of the battery consumption went to this app alone. That’s why I got rid of Signal altogether.
In addition, the aforementioned settings in the developer options for throttling the wifi search and switching off the mobile network in the wifi greatly extended the runtime.
However, I always switched off my FP4 overnight. That way, I always managed 2 to 3 days on one battery charge.

It helps also the day long since being in a wifi environment is meanwhile the typical situation over the day for many many people.

Can’t remember that Signal has ever been so evil. When this happens, an app drains suddenly, it’s probably because of old cache data. Stop it, clear the cache of that app and restart it once. When my accu gets under 20% my Molly was never responsible for more than 3%.

I am always on 4G (no contract for 5G)

So I did the updated to V1.20. Still Android 12 “S”.
Crazy thing for me:
The 1st night after the update was much better 8h/9%. So I thought: Yeah, now !
But after that everything like before.
All the hope now to 13 “T” !

I loose the hope. Will 13 T for FP4 ever come?

Of course it will. They started distributing the Murena FP4 in the US with much fanfare (and rightfully so), it would be pretty wild to let it stay on Android 12, which will get security updates until early next year, supposedly.

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After one day with V2.1 T I am disappointed.
A little bit more worse. 24h with less using is all I get.
V2.0 S was even a little bit more worse than the V1.1xy / V1.2xy releases.
So wrong direction…

Is there a way to upgrade firmware?
Or know somebody: Is “/e/” doing some firmware thing ?

Else I think I have you leave e.
I have no patient anymore.

To help you further can you send some screenshots of the android battery graph for a full cycle? Then use again the BBS (BetterBatteryStats) app and show us what you get on a full cycle too? Could be some apps causing partial wakelocks (not only kernel wakelocks are consuming).

On my FP4 during a 8h night with flight mode my battery consumption is about 5% or less. So to me the first thing to look at is what apps you use and which ones are working too much in the background…

Thanks but one question first:
Did you see the post from tcecyk above:?

That was the 1st credible explanation I got…

And sorry, but flight mode power consumption is not important for me. Over night is just a good test, because nothing happens. If the night needs much power, it will a leak at day too, I think. Only less visible…
And my last tests with flight mode was disappointing, too. But I would repeat it now with V2.1 T.

I sure don’t have tcecyk’s expertise, just a two year experience scanning my battery life in detail with /e/ on FP4 and I have a cycle of 48h between charges, sometimes 3 days (with the same kernel and build version that you have I guess). Feel free to pursue the most credible explanation then and good luck.

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sorry for my “dfc” hunch not having paid off. It’s a pity bugreport profiles for battery-historian aren’t that well suited to be public. A link that you post and withdraw after a day might work? you could post the original bugreport file that I saw and a new one for others to chime in.

If you want to get to the bottom of this and I’d be in your position, I’d reset my phone to defaults and establish a /e/OS baseline and check if LineageOS uses another kernel than /e/OS via their Fairphone partnership. @mungo does extensive long term monitoring for the FP3 - Fairphone - FP3 - FP3+ Documentation Suggestions - #59 by mungo - something that’d be great for other phones

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Sorry. I didn’t wanna be rude. Only sure you get the whole thread .
Did you have popular apps or common preference for bad battery life tips or what are your “tricks”?

Yes, your are my problem… NO, of course not. Thanks again for your time and thoughts.
I do now record new data and will see the next days.

An important step for you would be to go into the Settings → Accu section → Accu usage and to show the list of most accu consuming apps. The best time to do that is when the accu is almost empty. As long as you don’t know which app causes your accu consumption you (and we) can guess a lot.

After a few days now with fresh data/experience:

Build in display of consuming apps:
One time 22% for Android OS, other apps all <3% (and not much apps)
Last night from 100 to 68%: 1% Mobile network (and nothing else !)
…For me a sign of a system thing!

I have check one night in flight mode. That was a good night: 100 >> 95%

Last night was a good example for my problem:
7,5h no use (just two missing call)
from 100% to 64% (linear until the missing call); >6h full “doze”
Wifi ON with good signal (Developer setting ‘Mobil data always on” is “OFF”)
Screen Off Discharge Rate (%/hr): 4.41 (Discharged: 38%)
(I don’t know/found “RMNET_DFC”…)

Here four files (old A12 problem night, new A13 problem night, day usage, flight mode night)


(In the moment I don’t have a history with WiFi off, but I will do this.)

And the percent display is realistic. If it shows 1 percent, the phone is off in the next 30min.
(There is not like on FP1 the wrong calculate problem “one complete day with constant 14%”)

Maybe is the akku already dying….

So three ways I see:

  1. Buy a new akku
  2. Install /e/ from the scratch.
  3. Install Fairphone android. Test+compare and maybe install /e/ again…
    (Is that a way to get another modem firmware? I don’t know.)
    [and there are (or was?) reports that FP4 update to A13 T increase battery drain…]

Thanks in advanced for all helps and thoughts

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