Phone app settings

I have a FP5 and 2 simcards connected. On my old FP2 it was easy to get phone app to show the background color of an incoming call according to the choosen sim color. how do i manage that on e/os? I already have set different colors to my sims in the settings but the app disregards them.

And on a slightly other topic: how do i choose different ringtones for each sim card?

btw. why is it forbidden for me to post new topics in the german subforum?

Du musst der Deutschen Gruppe erst beitreten. :smiley:

aha :slight_smile: vielleicht kann man das in das merkwürdige Tutorial aufnehmen :smiley: oder woher hätte ich das wissen können? vielleicht bin ich auch einfach nur blind

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is there really no solition to this problem … too bad! i probably need to install another Rom that just works with such basic features.

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