Photo/video sync does not work anymore

On my FairPhone3 sync of Photo/video does not work anymore.
Latest sync august 21.
How to fix?

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Same here; it suddenly stopped, and I can’t make it work again. Tried rebooting the device and re-adding my credentials. Nothing helps.

UPDATE: I’ve signed out again and logged in using as the custom server. That didn’t immediately help. But then I installed the NextCloud app, logged in with my murena account, enabled auto-sync for all folders, and now it’s working again.

The move to seems to cause a lot of trouble with other users here on the forum. Having to install the NextCloud app isn’t ideal, but I need my photos to sync. As a paying customer, I expect at least a bit of communication around those changes.

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Same issue here.
Pictures folder sync works, but photos or DCIM doesn’t work.

Oneplus Nord 1.4-r

Best regards


Here are two links to the same idea, “reboot while connected to power”. The first shown, more simple method worked for me on an earlier release.

Sometime ago I had the same problem.
Solved it in the following way.
In Settings, Accounts, Remove your /e/ accounts.
And create your /e/ Accounts again.

In my case everything works again and still does.

Good luck

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Already tried, without success…