Pictures synchronization issue in eDrive

I have been experiencing this same synching problem on my FP3 for about 2 weeks now. Neither pictures nor documents are syncing either direction (phone to cloud nor cloud to phone). However, my tasks, contacts, calendar, notes and email are all syncing fine.

Things I’ve tried:

  • Account sync settings: “sync now” and turn off and back on the the sync on off slider.

  • Removing and re-adding my e account under settings → accounts.

  • Waiting some time (over 2 weeks).

Given the changes I’ve made both on the cloud and the phone I am concerned there may be conflicts that may need to be resolved (renaming of folders on cloud and adding documents to the same folder in the phone). Is there anything else I should try (ideally something not super technical)?

fault is not with you, the implementation is not robust (workaround is reboot with power cord plugged or using nextcloud-official). The /e/ dev team acknowledge this has stalled for too long - Gaël sums up the reasons in a comment here: Problem with synchronisation (#1772) · Issues · e / Backlog · GitLab … so instead of leaping into a refactor the current code will see fixes to work again. If the fix is verified in testing maybe this ships with fingercross 0.21 or 0.22 - the Development Updates - /e/ community will feature it if this is the case


Thank you very much @tcecyk for this most informative link. I have to say the result of Reboot device with power cord plugged in was no less than spectacular. My 12 month life in photos with /e/ suddenly ran before my very eyes! The majority of “empty files” just filled, and after about an hour, all the remaining “non-displayable” files were left pulsing. After a couple of prolonged sessions over the weekend many naive-user errors were corrected and duplicates deleted. One pulsing file remains (but it displays and it is now shareable, when previously un-receivable).

Thanks again. For reference I will include a plug for this Nextcloud intro. However, I think it is good to read the whole thread. There can be some downsides to installing Nextcloud before you understand the “Cloud” way of doing things. Maybe I did just that at the beginning of my /e/ journey!

Install and connect Nextcloud app to your /e/cloud drive to unveil its true potential

Bonjour à tous,
Nouvelle version pour mon Fairphone 2 (0.21) mais toujours aucune synchronisation des images et fichiers. J’attendais beaucoup des annonces faites sur le GItlab. Je suis déçu.

Hello to all,
New version for my Fairphone 2 (0.21) but still no synchronization of images and files. I was expecting a lot from the announcements made on the GItlab. I am disappointed.

I tripped on a bug during testing the eDrive fix a week ago that in the end only happened due to a misconfiguration at my end - but devs took the fallout seriously (thanks). This delayed the edrive fix release, I’m really sorry, looks more like 0.22 for it to land but the dev-update-post on monday will be more precise

Hey guys looks like even in v0.23 (R) it’s still not fixed. I had to install Nextcloud app alongside after waiting a day for edrive to sync unsucessfully.

Honestly said, I’m disappointed that the built in mechanism does not work. Also because I’m also not happy how Nextcloud manages my pictures. I want to manage them in the gallery app solely. Want a fast preview and reload of remote pics and want to delete them directly in the gallery.

I will add my eDrive experience to this interesting topic :grinning:.

I’m using the built-in sync (eDrive) since I have purchased my FP3 from /e/ store 2 years ago (I was using it before on my S7).
It was working quite nicely even if you weren’t sure when the pictures and videos were uploaded (Wifi Required ? Sync enabled ? Plugged in ?).
I wasn’t bothering since it was working … until it doesn’t work anymore :sweat_smile:.

Last pictures upload was on april 23th and I wasn’t able to make it sync again since :frowning:
I don’t know why it suddenly stopped working silently. No error or information.

/e/ account is still connected to the cloud: agenda, documents and everything else still sync correctly. Checked all settings or tried to trigger sync manually without success. I checked the logs with adb logcat, didn’t see any meaningful error…

Next step, disabling pictures and videos with /e/ drive and use Nextcloud app instead. It will probably more reliable and give more information about what’s happening.

PS: running stable version 0.23-20220406176461

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I will add my Picture upload/Sync saga. I also found the e sync not reliable. I have purchased a new device (Samsung Tab S6) and flashed eOS and connected to the ecloud. All my pics that were in ther cloud loded to my Tab. I can take a photo and it will go to the cloud but if I delete the picture on the Tab it does not remove it from the cloud and vice versa.
I tried using the Nextcloud client. I found the interface very non-intuitive but I ended up with the same result. I can upload a picture but after that any change is manual to both the device or cloud.
I should be able to delete a pic from Gallery and it should automatically delete from the ecloud and I should be able to delete a pic from the ecloud and it should automatically delete from Gallery, or at least ask if I want to do so. The whole area around picture managememt shoud be much more streamlines, clean, and pretty dummy proof. A ‘Managing Pictures for Dummies with eOS Cloud’ would be lovely!


I just tested on 1.8.1 and it worked :

  • Take a picture : synced immediatly on cloud
  • delete a picture from cloud : deleted on phone after few minutes

But yes you are not the only one to have failures in this area

I have the same problem even with 1.8.1…so i use my personnal cloud for now.

Same problem here, broken photos sync since end of january :frowning:
My friends hate me because I don’t share my pics anymore.

I’m on FP3, /e/ updated to 1.8.1 (manually… for those stuck to old 0.2x versions, please know that you have to use Easy Installer to install the latest version /e/ manually).
It would be nice to know if this is a client or server side problem. Particularly since I’m paying for the server …

Here is a reply recieved on a different forum:
i have two suggestions of what i do use for sync and manage files on android devices:

1.) managing files:
this is imo best done using solid explorer, which supports webdav access and is a two pane explorer which makes it easy to open files or move them up and down to/from the cloud.
only downside, this is a payed app which i have bought years ago but it is worth every penny.

2.) sync:
to sync i use foldersync, there is a free version which only supports one account, but this should be neough for your needs. i have set up a 2way sync with delete on my dicm folder, this goes to a photos_new directory on my nextcloud and a one way upload with delete of files older than 90 days, this way i have all my photos on my cloud at any time and my phone has only the last 90 days on it and never gets full storage.

the nextcloud android app is installed on my phone, but i actually dont have any real use for it.


Another neat tool to chek out is Les Pas for enahced Gallery and albums as well as 2-way sync.

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I am still facing the sync problem with photo’s. /e/ pre-installed on GS290, version 1.12 …


I’m experiencing a problem with picture sync to murenacloud. Since past few weeks, the photos I take are not appearing in murenacloud, although the phone keep saying that synchrization is on and appears to be working - at least I don’t get any error messages.
The phone is Galaxy S10 with /e/OS 1.8.1 installed. Anyone else experiencing synchronization problems?

If anyone is still having issues with Murena cloud synchronization. Please contact, providing:

  • confirmation that you have updated to last /e/ OS version, and provide screenshot from settings> updater.
  • confirmation that you have restarted eDrive. settings> apps> 3 dots> show system> /e/ drive> force stop. settings> accounts > > account sync > 3 dots> sync now. Send a screenshot from this screen.
  • If some files are synchronized and others are not, is there any relation of the files not synchronizing like time, date, folder etc.
  • cloud username
  • phone model
  • OS version

The biggest problem with sync is the lack of correct, clear, easy to find documentation, and short explanations and link to wiki ought to be in the sync interface.

This issue came back when updating to /e/OS 1.21-t-20240323388918-stable, anyone else is experiencing the same? It is very annoying that this synchronization problem keeps coming back randomly.

in the timeline of this thread from 2021 there were a few bugs in eDrive.

For the current deficiency afflicted users started new threads but no dedicated bug was filed in /e/s gitlab.

Someone experiencing the current bug would need to debug to improve the implementation. eDrive gets refactored in core parts at times so by the time you can pinpoint a bug you might need to retest new code.

For affected users not into debugging and not able to sit this out, I’d change over to nextclouds client as their bug frequency is lower (sorry eDrive).

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