I fear I was too ambitious for my litle knowledge. I am trying install via terminal on a pix 8 and i am stuck… thank you for your patience.
I was able to downgrade to android 14
i downloaded installation file and recovery
i enabled OEM unlock
I unlocked the fastboot
i reenabled USB debugging
If i understand well, I should be now ready to flash the recovery.
instruction asks to previously “reboot into bootloader or download mode” by pressing vol down+ power.
The phone boots and shows " restart bootloader" next to the power button and a red warning sign over “fastboot mode”.
…Here i’m getting confused
is the phone in download mode or in fastboot mode? or is the same thing?
once the previous point is cleared i should come back to the terminal and flash the boot, dtbo and vendor kernel files, right?
sorry for asking trivia and thank you for your time and help
mh guss i am missing something …the phone is indeed in recovery mode… I wiped out the phone (factory reset) then booted in recovery, selected apply update and than back to the terminal to flash the e os.
At this point i got the error mentioned in my previous msg…