Please include "Internet" in the permissions list in your next update

For offline translate you can use Microsoft Translator.

I mostly use Deepl and temporarily Microsoft Teanslator offline. Both works very well on /e/OS

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Just an FYI. SimplyTranslate 1.4.0 no longer uses intermediate instances and connects directly to Google Translate now.
The change is mentioned in the CHANGELOG but most folks won’t know.
Didn’t know until someone mentioned it in the F-Droid forums.

This app is no longer doing what it should do · Issue #230 · ManeraKai/simplytranslate_mobile · GitHub

Release 1.4.0 · ManeraKai/simplytranslate_mobile · GitHub


Thanks @marcdw for this clarification :slight_smile:

is it ok to chip in on translators?

That deepl translation comparison statistic is the 101 of blog seo promo. “bring me high bars”. Good on you to post the caveat ! :slight_smile: - nobody knows if the results that had equal ratings comprise 50% or 90%. Deepl is still a very convincing product.

I was using Firefox local translation addon lately on Desktop and it’s “good enough”, worse than Deepl and Google Translate, but I get the gist of the foreign texts. It is still an unlisted Android Addon, you’ll need nightly and a custom Addon list to add it. Translation happens locally all done by that little cpu of yours. Models are <50MB per language, not too different from device-local STT engines like Dicio is using.