I propose the names “Armadeelo” or “Pangoleen” (Armadillo/Pangolin). Both animals have an armor shell which shields them from any foreign attacks, similar to /e/.
Plus: the animal theme could mimic Mozilla and their Firefox/Thunderbird applications as well as provide for a mascot similar to Androids little Droid.
Wow, this is wonderful! The Armadillo is a perfect metapher and could give nice logo too! Thank you for this idea!
I like Armadeelo!
Goes with the spirit of Ubuntu to name their versions after animals names.
If only there was no issue with trademarks I think Asterix or Obelix would make for great names, being that these characters resisted the Roman invasion and this OS is a stand against Google.
From Asterix, Asterisk… sounds similar and the * character in programming and CS is used to represent “anything you want”.
From Obelix, Obelisk… it doesn’t represent anything meaningful that relates to this project, but it sounds cool.
Or simply adopting the naming conventions from the comic books we can add the suffix “-ix” to the current name: eelix, elix… helix?.
I also like Armadeelo, great metaphor.
Epsilon : represent a small positive number (while gogol is a very huge number).
Delta: the difference between AlphaBet Corporation and E Foundation (ABC D EF )
Asterisk is already a well know IPPBX system.
That’s so much fun to read all these ideas here! I hope @GaelDuval has fun reading it, too!
Oh no ! Something like LOS/e/ your data is better for GAFAM ! Isn’t it ?
Or /e/ better named the H/e/rOS !
The name can no longer be renamed. It’s too well-known for that. Through FP3 the name is mentioned in 200 news. But there had been enough time for it.
Or Gael’s New GA FAMe.
The name can no longer be renamed. It’s too well-known for that. Through FP3 the name is mentioned in 200 news. But there had been enough time for it.
Well that might be true, but the problem of insearchability and general incompatibility remains, and makes a rebranding of some sorts necessary! You are right, the name of the Project, /e/, is already in the public mind, and it has become abundantly clear, that the e-Theme is here to stay. But once the (geek-)project /e/ launches a fully functional and fleshed-out V1 to the Public, the name of the Project, or at least that of the OS, can and should change.
The reasons for that are, on the one hand, the already mentioned incompatibility of the name with computer systems, and on the other, that a name-change manifests the evolution and maturity of such an OS from a geek-project to something meant “for your Grandmother”. Imagine the headline:
“The /e/-Project launches it first OS. The *insert name proposal here is here to stay”.
In such a situation the e.foundation and the /e/-project and -community could retain their names, and could keep developing and improving the software, while it would become clear that the OS is something independent, something that stands on its own two feet, something that does not need constant bug fixes and babysitting to function properly.
The Mozzila Project, does something similar. Their Browser is not called the “Mozilla-Browser” but “Firefox”, which i think is way cooler. Similarly, “eOS” or “/e/OS” and other similar variation of the /e/ is just boring, and conveys nothing to somebody who doesn’t know the project.
I think this is a problem many of the proposals here have, they do not convey much to the average user and have a low recognition value, which is a lost opportunity because the first thing a potential user sees, is the name. If it doesn’t do much or he/she forgets it after 3 seconds, then that is a lost opportunity of gaining an new (enthusiastic) user.
egloo is great! @Baguette you wrote that it is also a home of Inuit. It reminds me a David Louis Edelman’s book “Infoquake” where in the world where single human used thousands of apps mindlessly, there was a small group called themselves “Islanders”. They choose they apps very carefully and mindfully.
Aren’t we similar to this Islanders? egloo ecosystem can be our home
I quite like the idea as well, but watch out for potential problems ahead with existing brands…
With a quick search: https://eglooinfo.it/
Other characters required to post.
I am trying to do a search for /e/ using an internet search engine and it comes up with nothing. I realize some people have had luck searching for “/e/” but I can’t. I love the concept and philosophy of /e/, but I agree a unique name that is searchable is imperative.
I was thinking to write up an article but the current name make it troublesome to find on the internet.
Maybe just change the name of the company to e.Foundation and use /e/ as the icon and logo.
Please, soon?
Can I say it?
I like /e/ OS and hope it doesn’t change the name!!!
I have the dubious honor of being the original poster of this long thread. I did not expect it to be still going almost two years later.
@Mystic, I think “Ester” or “Ester OS” is the best name suggested so far in this long thread.
@GaelDuval, how come the temporary name has still not been replaced with a permanent one?
Seconded! Nothing wrong with /e/. It is slowly becoming searchable too, i.e. the world is adapting to /e/, not vice versa!
Also keep in mind that in other languages many nice names suggested will not mean anything or may be hard to pronounce.
When I search for /e/, I see no relevant information. If there was something, this wouldn’t be an issue. My browsers disregard the forward slashes so it only sees the letter “E” which is not helpful in our situation.
The search I am trying to accomplish is “/e/ online tutorial” which finds ZERO results in the top 50.
Here is what I see when I search for /e/, showing ZERO results in the top 50.
Lastly, I can search for /e/ foundation, I only get FOUR records in the first 50 results.
@GaelDuval, @Manoj
Is the name still temporary or is something still in the works?