Post hidden by community flags : why?


I have a lot of my post was hidden by community flag,
But here I really don’t understand why ???

I shown only 2 because of spam alert

Another one : Nextcloud existant : est=-ce que je peux utiliser le système intégré , here i just ask question about murena and own nextcloud relation. Someone to explain ?

Faitphone 4 + Camera : pas de GPS dans les données EXIF sur PC an issue with Gallerie and GPS data from picture.

The other are about ID numérique de la poste, a french App to replace ID Card (the only one in some situation)

I’m happy to respect community guidelines , but I need to understand what I’m doing wrong in order to correct it.

Thank you.

New users or users who rarely post are checked by the system. If there are links in their posts, they at times trigger the spam alert. We do get a lot of spams because of which such rules are required. At times, the system flags genuine posts. I have un- flagged the posts. They should be visible now.



Thank you,

I remove the 2 external url (imgbb and identité numérique).

But about link to it can be great to put it on an “allowed” list, no ?

Something other about imgbb and picture :

  1. I can not upload picture currently as “new user”
  2. I can not use imgbb because of spam.

What img hoster i can use if I need to show a picture ?

Spend more time here reading and you will get promoted up a Trust Level and will be able top attach images.

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OK, but when a new user came for the 1st time : disallow Link + file.
This user can not really ask for help…

I understand the point about spamming. I moderate some forum with bunch of spam per day.

Discourse has a really nice blog explaining why they’ve designed the system this way, and you still can ask for help at Trust Level 0, you’ll just need to be a bit more descriptive/patient, and you can get promoted to Trust Level 1 within a day easily by engaging with the Community you are asking for help from (as designed/intended by Discourse).

It is designed to prevent help-sponging and drive-by asks without any intention to help others or otherwise enrich the Community.


Maybe an issue with moving to level 1 for old user then ?

Else : here, I can not send one image yesterday (i’m at 0 level) . Seems it’s allowed by default ? « * Post more than 1 image»
Just need one yesterday.

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