Private DNS option in R missing?


Trying to configure in R dev (e-0.18-r-20210831132813) for Xiaomi Poco F1 beryllium and the ‘Private DNS’ option isn’t available.

Only ‘Use network DNS’ or DNS by IP

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

As per: Encrypt your DNS queries on /e/OS system-wide

Private DNS is in 18-q on beryllium

I think it just means: enter the IP address of your chosen (“private”) DNS resolver.
(Just different wording.)

Seems to be an issue and I reported it on gitlab.

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Thanks Chris; good to know.


As a temporary workaround : Private DNS option missing from Network & Internet Settings (#3680) · Issues · e / Backlog · GitLab

Hello @Manoj, @rhunault & @theimpulson,

Can we have an update on urgently restoring the ‘private dns’ function to R ? It is available in Q.

Private DNS providers like NextDNS are resolved by hostname - it’s not possible by IP on a mobile device, so ‘by IP’ is not an option.

The Private DNS functionality is a pretty key layer in device privacy.

Thank you; appreciated!


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Agreed. I have paused using e as a daily until the option returns, sadly.

The issue has already been raised on Gitlab…team will have to plan the fix. Updates if any will be shared on gitlab

Issue was closed with a comment from the developer.
I report it here for easier reading :

This should be fixed with e/os/android_vendor_lineage@92dd4a9a. Please wait for the next OTA to be able to use the feature again. Reopen after that if the issue persists.

So, fix is on the way ! :slight_smile:

Hello @Manoj

Could we have an update on the important privacy ‘private DNS’ functionality being restored to R (gitlab #3680) please?

R is currently waiting for a fresh build (still at 0.18, dated 31/8/21) and with it, hopefully this fix.

Could you please check & confirm?

Thank you.


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It works on my Fairphone 2 after R dev update (e-0.21-r-20220124158734).

Now working for me too, after update to 0.21-20220123158734 on PocoF1 Beryllium.

Thank you!
