After the update n. 1.0-202206221985552 on the Fairphone 3 the hotspot stays on for a few seconds and then switches off and the camera often fails, blocking the application.
Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online services
After the update n. 1.0-202206221985552 on the Fairphone 3 the hotspot stays on for a few seconds and then switches off and the camera often fails, blocking the application.
Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online services
Today I needed the wifi hotspot on my fp3+ for the first time after updating to the 22 June update. I confirm the issue. Since I need the hotspot for my tablet which is without simslot I found a workaround to manage giving internet access to my tablet:
With this workaround I’ll be able to ‘survive’ up to the resolving of the issue