Redmi Note 4 (mido)

Hi, Sorry for the late answer.
My PC is very old. I thought building ROM wont have anything with PC power.
But I m planning to buy a new powerfull one. And then surely i will ask for your help.

New version is available…

Remember to backup your data. Dirty flash over previous version is possible.


Where can i find the link?


It is the same link as before. I forgot to mention…

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I Installed e-0.16 that you provided.
Going Ok.

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I hope I can provide an update next month.

Yes, We too hope for that. :slight_smile:

I ve been getting Unofficial /e/ for mido regularly, then why it doesnt come in Official catagory?


/e/ is still in development and they don’t have as many people as Microsoft. They try to improve the source code before they update to pie or q.
Users like us prefer an up to date OS and try to get or to build a newer version.


Got it.
Thanks for your efforts.

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Hi, thank you for the effort of building this buid. Just a question: is anybody having problem enabling night light, and wireless display? Seems i cannot get both working (properly).

Edit: could it have anything to do with kernel 4.x?

Hi, thank you for testing. It does not work on my mobile device, too.
I don’t know, but I don’t think it is the kernel.
Maybe it is also an issue in official builds… Maybe it is gone with the next update?

Well, i was testing some GSI images, and while they run fine, fingerprint, and some other stuff isn’t working on all of them. But, on the other hand, on /e/ GSI image of user @anon26953564, (he also uses sources of e-0.16.xx), the night light is working fine (as well as on some other GSI images). He has released source scripts / recipe for his GSI image building, but i’m no expert in building roms so I still don’t dare to build one.

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I’m no expert, too. My computer just compiles the sources. Zeelog’s device tree has a fix for all mido fingerprint sensors. It is a shame that night light is not working but the fingerprint is more important to me.

I dont have any problem with fingerprint.
Though contact doesnt go to Dark.

Hi @tomiknez,
you can find a new build in my cloud. Night light is still not working. :cry:


Thank you! Will try, hopefully, today.

I want to know that when you build the OS (unofficial), does it include the latest features that are included in Official Version of /e/ OS?
I read Roadmap 2021. They are going to include so many new features in future.
Will these new features included in your Unofficial Build in future?

Thanks in advance

Hi Zeno,
I just compile the official sourcecode. As long as this completes without error we get all the features of /e/.
If it fails, there is nothing I can do.
(Next update maybe this weekend.)

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Thanks Dear,
I know that you are doing work for you and others. There is nothing on you if any feature doesnt work.
I just was asking.