[RESOLVED] Payment system using QRIS is not working

I appears that QRIS payment system is not working.
So basically in a nutshell, I open my banking app, go to QRIS payment, the camera is switch on and ready to scan a merchant QRIS code (like a QR code), then place the amount to be paid and done.

In this case the camera was not able to read the QRIS code, no error message, the camera just keeps scanning.

I wonder if anyone here knows a way around to get it work.

A little bit info about QRIS

/e/ ver-1.8

What banking app specifically?

A lot of banking apps use Play Services “GMS Vision API” that is not implemented in full at the microG end. Last I checked it lacked a qrcode module - Need Google Play Services for bank app - #29 by tcecyk

See banking apps struggling: https://github.com/microg/GmsCore/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+gms+vision

If you look at it with logcat you could confirm if it is indeed that class or something else. If so, it’d be up to a code contributor to microG to implement it. Google moves to MLkit for the function though, a new API for microG altogether.

Most Indonesia bank uses this QRIS payment method.

But thanks for the info regarding the issue. Thanks

ADMIN please update the title to [RESOLVED].

After updating to /e/os 2.7 using microG v0.3.6.244735, I can now use the QR code scanner to do payment.

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