Samsung - Galaxy S10 5G - beyondx - Documentation Suggestions

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Just got an update from the LOS maintainer for the device that TWRP could create a problem …specifically it will cause issues on these devices and eventually even force users to wipe in order to boot up again after an OTA (this is due to TWRP messing with FBE encryption)
The suggested method by the maintainer is to avoid TWRP and instead use the Lineage recovery .

Checking with the team if the lineage recovery will work with the /e/ build and also if the /e/ recovery will be updated to accommodate these changes

Will also check how to add this to the documentation for the S10 devices

I’ve installed a version of /e/OS that cannot be updated any more through the usual Updater Screen (, I don’t really know why the upgrade is not possible.
The version I’m currently using is 1.19.1-s-20240111372761-dev-beyondx, so it’s a bit outdated. I’d like to update to the version Android T(13) e-2.0-t-20240514401453-dev-beyondx, is it possible to do so without wiping all my data on the device?

yes, upgrade from S to T on Samsung device is possible without dataloss

a search on the forum can confirm that…

Hum, I tried those tutorials, but I get these errors when I’m at the update phase:
adb sideload ./
serving: ‘./’ (~20%) adb: failed to read command: Success

serving: ‘./’ (~31%) adb: failed to read command: Success
or :
adb sideload ./
serving: ‘./’ (~20%) adb: failed to read command: Success

So, I preferred not to proceed to the update, as I thought it might be that the file was not fully transferred (I checked the md5 of both files). But maybe I was wrong.

I saw still this thread:

Is OEM locking relevant when using already e/os/ ? I can’t find the option anyway.

Note: I’m using Linux/Fedora, so no ODIN.

it is a success message, not an error

in general OEM relocking is not possible when using /e/OS (but there are a few exception)
List of supported devices where bootloader can be relocked

Ok, thanks for this info.

But then, on my phone, I have the following error message:
Failed to read 1677216 bytes data at offset 603979776: I/O error
Failed to read 1677216 bytes data at offset 6***********: I/O error
[over and over]
Failed to verify whole-file signature
Update package verification took 30.3 s (result 1).
Signature verification failed
error : 21

So there are two issues, the signature check and the I/O errors. Any suggestions?

please try to redownload the .ZIP file…

did you use the recovery-e ?

I’ve checked the md5 sums, I’ve checked with the various versions available here:

Everytime I have a similar problem. And yes, I have e-recovery installed on my phone (as I have already e 1.19 installed).

Do you think still it matters to re download the .zip file ?

excuse me, but (beyond0lte) is Galaxy s10e, not Galaxy S10 5G (beyondx)

Oh right, that’s weird, I guess I mixed up the names at one point and endup downloading the wrong files.

But I just tested right now have the same I/O errors with ./ and

No more suggestion? Should I create another topic? It is really about the Galaxy S10 5G, not another one.