Samsung - Galaxy Tab A7 10.4 2020 (Wi-Fi) - gta4lwifi - Documentation Suggestions

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Installation incl. TWRP was a PITA and took me some hours trial & error. Buying a device already with eOS installed, support and spare oneself the hassle isnt’t the worst idea one can have ;- )

In my experience, this was very frustrating getting eOS e-2.1-t-20240605406922-dev-gta4lwifi onto the SM-T500 and it could not be done with only heimdall on a linux machine because of an issue with SUPER and subsequent files not transferring properly for some reason, so I had to use a windows machine with Odin too.
It seems that it’s essential to use the same sw version as the vbmeta in the eOS is hardcoded to, in this case S6CWI2 so don’t waste your time trying the lower Android 12 versions like I did.

I think the instructions are missing information about having
to use a blank vbmeta img (after having flashed custom eOS recovery) because without it the device just bootlooped.
The blank vbmeta I used is from 2020 and MD5:19f3d45dd38f7419d64418c0ed7e0f22

The instructions also say to remove the usb cable after successful transfer, I don’t think that’s needed. What I did was,
#~/bin/heimdall flash --RECOVERY ~/e-2.1-t-20240605406922-dev-gta4lwifi_folder/recovery.img --verbose --no-reboot
now without disconnecting usb, hold pwr+voldn to shut it off. , release keys, wait 1 or 2 sec then hold pwr+volup to get into eOS recovery.

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While still running on stock samsung android 11 I tried to install recovery-e-2.3-t-20240821427106-dev-gta4lwifi.img via heimdall which didn’t work.

In the “Downloading” screen I got

This stops any firmware from being installed.

It seems factory reset and letting android sit on the internet for a bit should reset this as soon as KG (Knox guard) can contact knox hq/samsung to say everything is ok again.

Any ideas on how I can expedite/bypass this?

Also, I don’t have access to windows, can we have tooling which runs on linux so it’s open and accessible for everyone?

Thanks for all of this! Would love to flash my SM-T500.

Love /e/OS!


Would be a blocker … but Checking should be ok.

If you have the device online, WiFi and a SIM card is good, it would be unusual for the device to “go back” to Prenormal once Checking has been seen.

There do seem to be reports that current e-recovery is has problems being flashed to a “new” device. You might try to use an older version or TWRP.

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It worked!
Running /e/OS on Samsung A7 10.4 2020 SM-T500.

Here is what I did, hopefully it can help some.

The most difficult part of it was finding out what to do and not knowing what would brick it or not.

In the end, it all went very straight forward.

This is what I did on linux (I don’t know how to do it on windows (nor mac)).

Samsung stock android 11 (ie: it came with this) with KNOX enabled, “an out of the box, used for a few years like that, tablet”.

Messed a few things up initally but that shouldn’t have any influence on the procedure to do it again.

Step 1: download all the necessary files.

Files used:

TWRP (recovery.tar): boot loader with utilities to do things from on the tablet itself. It can receive files via adb. Starting point of the installation.

This will download the file: “recovery.tar”

vbmeta.tar (vbmeta.img): AFAIK cleans the existing vbmeta so it doesn’t interferes with TWRP.

This will download the file: “blank_vbmeta.img”.

It needs to be tarred before used with odin4:

mv blank_vbmeta.img vbmeta.img
tar cvf vbmeta.tar vbmeta.img
This gives you "vbmeta.tar".

e-OS, current version, in this case:
See: Info about Samsung Galaxy Tab A7 10.4 2020 (Wi-Fi) - gta4lwifi
Download link:

No need for the e-OS recovery image as there is a ‘recovery.img’ in the above zip and it gets installed with it.

Step 2: prep your device Part 1 (in android)

In android, go to developer mode (Settings: Software info: tap 7 times on build number) and then enable following settings:

  • OEM unlocked
  • ADB “stuff”
  • No verification of USB apps

It will somewhere ask to trust your computer, say yes, I check the checkbox to remember this so it doesn’t ask for it later.

After that’s done, shut down your device.

Step 3: prep your device Part 2 (firmware)

Boot your device in “Downloading” mode:

  1. with the device turned off, hold volume up+volume down => nothing should happen
  2. plug in USB-C cable to your computer => device should come on and should show a blue screen with english and chinese (?) text. It says “Downloading” as a title and then you have a few options

You can release the keys :slight_smile:

On the first run you should see an option to “unlock the bootloader” (don’t remember the exact wording) so press volume up for a while until it shows another menu, unlock the bootloader.

Then it will reboot.
Do the same until you see “Downloading…” screen again and then you can proceed.

We should be ready to proceed now.

Step 4: setup tools on the linux box to talk to the device

Make sure odin4 can see the device



You should see your device ie:

This is mine:

Bus 003 Device 023: ID 04e8:xxxx Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd GT-I9100 Phone [Galaxy S II] (Download mode)


./odin4 -l

You should see something like this:


This will probably not have the same numbers but should have a similar structure.

If not:
update your udev rule so your device becomes accessible via the linux device structure

It needs to look like this:

$ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules 
#Bus 003 Device 023: ID 04e8:xxxx Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd GT-I9100 Phone [Galaxy S II] (Download mode)
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="04e8", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"

After editing this file, reload your rules:

systemctl reload udev

and you should see your device.
The device path (in my case) is: /dev/usb/bus/003/023

Yours might have different bus and device numbers.

Step 5: Let’s do it

Your device should be in “Downloading…” mode.
Check if odin4 can talk to your device:

Run odin4 with the path to your device ie:

./odin4 -d /dev/bus/usb/003/023

You should see something like:

$./odin4 -d /dev/bus/usb/003/023
Setup Connection
Receive PIT Info
success getpit
Upload Binaries
Close Connection

This means odin4 can talk, good.

Step 5.1: Flash TWRP

Run the following:

./odin4 -a recovery.tar 

Specify your device if it’s not detected automatically, ie:

./odin4 -d /dev/bus/usb/003/023 -a recovery.tar 

Mine looks like:

./odin4 -a recovery.tar 
Check file : recovery.tar
Reboot into normal mode
Setup Connection
Receive PIT Info
success getpit
Upload Binaries
Close Connection

Step 5.2: Flash vbmeta and reboot


./odin4 -a vbmeta.tar --reboot

Mine looks like:

$ ./odin4 -a vbmeta.tar --reboot
Check file : vbmeta.tar
Reboot into normal mode
Setup Connection
Receive PIT Info
success getpit
Upload Binaries
Close Connection

The tablet should now reboot.
It gave a warning about /key… ignore, doesn’t matter…
and about running non Samsung firmware and then it booted back into TWRP, let’s continue.

Step 6: install e-OS

In TWRP go to Advanced, choose “ADB sideload” but DO NOT actually start the sideload.

Check if you can see the device from your linux machine now with adb:


adb devices

You should see something like:

$ adb devices
List of devices attached
xxxxxxxxxxx recovery

If not, run the following commands to reset adb on the linux machine:

adb kill-server
adb start-server

and then try again

adb devices

Now we should be able to use adb to talk to the device.
Make sure we’re in “Advanced → ADB Sideload but not activated sideload”


adb recovery /path/to/your/downloaded/e-OS... .zip

In my case:

$ adb push /sdcard/ 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 26.0 MB/s (1266805438 bytes in 46.406s)

That’s it.

Click reboot in TWRP.

Step 7: if it reboots back into TWRP, clean the caches and reboot

Go to Wipe, and then wipe all the things with the word “cache” in it and reboot.

If that didn’t work, you might also have to remove data but don’t remember exactly if that removes your /e/OS so you would have to reinstall that. See Step 6. Try it and post results.

Step 8: if it boots in /e/OS => Success :slight_smile:


Thanks @piero !!

This got me going!

Thanks @aibd for the heads up.

Mine got from PRENORMAL to CHECKING and never went back to whatever “normal” is but it didn’t block me from installing as seen in the instruction I wrote down here.

Also, OEM / Secure boot unlock caused Warranty void to be set from 0x0 to 0x1 but that didn’t change anything.

All is well! Thanks!

Can you please help me (not an expert): I first flashed TWRP and then vbmeta (via odin3 on windows). Everything worked. Than I booted into TWRP, which also worked just fine. When I run

adb devices

everything looks got.
But what comes next? I did:

adb push /sdcard/

and the file got pushed perfectly. But after rebooting into TWRP/Recovery and wiping everything with “cache”, a boot circle starts…
I tried the same also with wiping data as well, but same problem.

Did I miss something? (stock rom was Android 12, by the way)

I also tried your advices. Which blank vbmeta.img did you use exactly? After getting into eOS recovery, I wiped Format data, Cache and also System. Than I used adb sideload and choosed: apply update. The sideload stopps at 50 % and says: completed with status 1. After restarting the device bootlooped.
(used odin3 on windows and adb sideload on ubuntu)

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Now we have Galaxy-Flasher, the ultimate graphical tool for Samsung devices yet only run on Linux, a GUI that can manage the Odin4linux CLI…


easyupload io b13c8w

filetransfer io N6xU0ji1

Actually the same 11.5 KB file as bayo replied

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Thanks for trying to help me. I always get an error either when I try to wipe or when I try install /e/ OS from sd card afterwards. Any ideas for fixing this?

failed to mount keyrefuge

It seems this was due to my twrp version. With e Recovery or lineage recovery I didn’t face this problem

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Sounds like maybe you made a mistake. After 50% you have to wait as long as the 50% took to load. At 50% it continues to 100% without display you just have to wait. Did you wait until it was done?

I am asking because I will be doing this device tonight or tomorrow.

“The sideload stops at 50 % and says: completed with status 1. After restarting the device bootlooped.
(used odin3 on windows and adb sideload on ubuntu)”

The instruction for this device say “make sure device it is at Android 12”, but only files are Android 13 or 14 (eOS t and u). Is that correct in the instruction page? Here:

I was not able to install e OS on gta4lwifi because of the problem I mentioned here:

I installed LineageOS, which worked just fine.
It might work right now. Good luck.

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On LineageOS I just got an update to LineageOS (Android 15). I had to update it manually via adb sideload. Afterwards everything works just fine.

(Tablet with stock OS needs to be on Android 12, then you are able to install directly LineageOS 22 or /e/ OS when it works)

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I was indeed able to get eOS 2.6.3U working on this device. It’s tricky shutting down and then getting to eOS recovery, took a few tries.

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