Dear all, for the last weeks I keep getting a 20 or so messages containing:
- http server error http 429, and this concerns contacts. webmail.
What to do, pls?
Thank you.
Dear all, for the last weeks I keep getting a 20 or so messages containing:
What to do, pls?
Thank you.
do you have more details about your issue? Maybe a Screenshot or error mesage?
Is it similiar to this: Account Manager issues
I got this error last week on another site on my laptop, and the day after no more problem (and I did nothing).
a http 429 status is temporary, as in - the remote for whatever reason deems there’s too much requests in a given time frame from your ip or user. As it will work again after you’ve been throttled, the old message imo can be ignored if it’s not a regular occurrence over a week.
Check your sync-interval settings, probably it’s rather up to misconfiguration on the remote not on your device.
Hi !
I’ve had the same issue here since i’ve installed e/os back in early october 2024. It’s my first e/os device so i’m a bit new to this but I’ve successfully installed it on my brand new Fairphone 4. However, this 'Error HTTP 429" keeps popping up every fue minutes regarding my murena account, conyacys and webmail.
I’ve ignored it for so long because everything worked without problems after the murena servers went back on but the constant notifications are really starting to bug me out and I have no clue how to fix this (didn’t found any answers on the forum like the other problems I’va had).
Can you please help me ? I can’t even get my phone off of silence mode or it keeps ringing because of those notifications.
Thank you so much for this community, even if this is my first post this forum has helped me in so many ways without knowing it.
I can provide the error log archive if needed !
Hi Lysandre,
I tried what ‘tcecyk’ adviced (change the sync interval settings to once a day) and did a restart of the phone.
This helped.
But the software gets an update now; the last update before this one started the problems… , so I am curious what might happen after this.
Fingers crossed.
Good luck!