Service Outage Announcement: 7 Oct 2024

I guess those previous posters didnt look for it for vert long. I even received an updaye on my mailbox.

I guess those previous posters became tired of waiting so long, stopped waiting for the same update and went elsewhere.

Update Jan 4th
This weekā€™s update:

  1. Storage cluster filesystem: copying contents from the unstable FS now works. So the main plain is still to copy all usersā€™ data to a new, clean filesystem (which is now ready). We have started to do so for the 1/3 users with a problematic backup. Copy status today is 23% completion and going.
  2. Backup recovery: we have been able to send file archives links to 2/3 Premium users. This is all completed. For 1/3 remaining, we are waiting for the FS copy (see 1) to complete and we will be able to send links to the remaining premium users. In parallel, we have started to send links to other ā€œfreeā€ users.

Just a reminder that the last post is pretty old again. Maybe itā€™s my wrong assumption that there will be a weekly update.

Just a little point about the last update: It does not clarify things imho. How many users have problematic backups, are 1/3 of those many? How many TB does that mean, and how much time does 23% mean? How many of all users have problematic updates, and whats the definition of ā€œproblematic backupsā€? I have access to an 15 weeks old backup befor the outage, is this problematic?

It seems detailed but it just says ā€œin progressā€.

And of course: Why do you not have tested backups relativly fresh before the outage. Iā€™m just confused about the varying age of the provided backups.

@GaelDuval / Dear Murena-Team. Could you please consider
a) regular status updates at least once per week
b) an option for users to choose starting with an empty storage system? My hypothesis is that for

  • over 50% of the users the backup is of no importance, since they have other devices where the data is stored
  • less than 25% of the remaining users had little data of importance that has become obsolete in the meantime
  • therfore only about <25% of users are actually interested in getting old data back
    Therefore for the rest of us (>75% of users) a blank storage would be great, so we could start using it again. (And you could save yourselves a lot of time and hassle to restore old/obsolete data.)

hi @sarotti2511, welcome to this forum,

a dev build for a5 2017 should be available soon here [LEGACY_BUILDS] collection for "legacy devices" finger-crossedā€¦

I completely agree with you. People who have important data stored in murena also have it synchronized on their devices and thus have a local backup. Since the outage happened months ago, the data you have in the backup is outdated and therefore worthless. Why waste any more time with this? If there is important data, users can download this data via the zip file and upload it manually to the new cloud. For everyone else, an empty, new cloud is easier. In my case, I would delete everything as soon as Murena is ready and upload it again. I would be happy if murena is ready again as soon as possible.

Considering the synchronization was broken quite some time, I had no data on my phone. I had quite a bit of important data on the cloud, although nothing that I needed right now. My guess is that they cannot restart from scratch without having brought back the data of the currently missing data-sets from users. Although its hard to tell with such infrequent updates and avoiding answering most questionsā€¦

Weekly updates and answering questions in this thread would be greatly appreciated.


Hopefully we get somewhere in the next 25 days before this thread expires.


Hi everyone

I received my backup link, but I canā€™t find the password wich should be in Login ā€“ Murena according to the mail.

Will it pop later ?


OK, so today my phone got updated to 2.7 and still getting browser out of date. Is this a joke? Just looked at about, and the Browser is built for Android 10! This explains why it is out of date. At this rate I can see me paying an absorbitent lifetime storage with pCloud!

In my case took ~ six hoursā€¦

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I did not have any local backup: I would access the files through the Murena website and edit them there.

You have a password app in you murena home

And you have a password in it

Where do you receive backup download link? I still havenā€™t got anything shipped to my Murena inbox

Same for me,
I received the email with the link but I donā€™t have the password in the application.

Okay, Iā€™ll update this answer.
Two hours later I found the password to download and unzip the backup-murena file.
You have to use the address as ID.

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I looked at other browsers in App Lounge and installed Iron. Was able to download to my phoneā€™s external storage. Will transfer to my desktop using KDE Connect.

I installed Cromite to compare and when i look at About it says : Android 14. (I suspect this section should detect which operating system is installed on your device.)
So maybe itā€™s a bug in the /e/ Browser? You can always ask the developers on Gitlab.
Or you can install Cromite yourself if you are more confident about this.

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I have no idea what is happenning! These are the worst days for the whole e/os/murena project.
I got a link for my Files which I havenā€™t had access to for many months but it didnā€™t workā€¦
Iā€™m basically not expecting that data to ever return, Iā€™m letting it go.

What I really donā€™t understand is the timespanā€¦early October to (possible) February to have a tech service down isā€¦just bonkers! What canā€™t you do in 3 months that takes 5?? I mean did it involve going on a solo walkng trip around the world to restore a cloud service?

Of course, Iā€™m sure there are genuine reasons and the team at Murena have been working hard with not enough resourcesā€¦but 5 months, yikes.

I guess I am clueless as to the severity of what happened and we are talking about an esoteric phone platform.

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Sorry to disturb you, but I canā€™t find the info anywhere!
since the bug on the Murena workspace, I no longer have some applications, including photos, music and notes.
I retrieved the files by download link, but I can not store these files since the app is gone.
I must wait again and it will return to normal soon, or do I have to re-install these apps?
Same on my FP5/e/OS mobile the app ā€œnotesā€ does not open anymore.

BIG Thanks in advance for your help,

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Are the missing apps only not to be seen on the screen or are they indeed also not installed anymore? Do they appear in the Settings app under Apps?