Signal-app only availabel in google play store

Sinds yesterday my signal app is not working any more. The update is only possible via google play store. That I don’t want to do. Is there another option? Thanks for your reaction.

Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/ the unGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone


Get it from Signal? Signal >> Signal Android APK


Many thanks, I had the same issue !

thank you verry much.

Try Langis, Signal without Google dependencies:

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If you don’t want to use Gogole Play store, you can get it from Aurora Store.

Please note that there is a warning message from Signal website if you use the apk directly from thier site:


Thank you verry much. Good solution. Greatings Paulus.

Stefan Fughe via /e/ community schreef op 10 oktober 2022 21:16:07 CEST:

| kettcar64 /e/ user
October 10 |

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Try Langis, Signal without Google dependencies:

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Thank you verry much. Good solution. Greatings Paulus.

Rock Manfist via /e/ community schreef op 10 oktober 2022 19:17:05 CEST:

| Baggypants
October 10 |

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Get it from Signal? Signal >> Signal Android APK

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This does not work for me.
Downloaded and installed then had message ’ App not installed’
Can I ask why there is no updated Signal in Appstore?
I find life really difficult with my e OS, since yesterday without warning I cant access my messages. I already live without a lot of Apps because of this phone. Im soo tired of it. Can anyone help or better just put an update into the E-Appstore please?
Sorry I know you all volunteer and are incredibly helpful, but I wish this whole thing was commercially customer- funded and things would just work.

And btw. I am trying, before coming here I’ve been to on my desktop and Ephone, but somehow for a normal person who is trying hard this alternative does not even show, google play is all I get - why is Signal doing this ? :frowning:

You can install Aurora Store and then download signal v5.51.7 same version on Google Play Store.

First install F Droid:


Then search for Aurora Store:

And then search in aurora store the Signal app.

With this you will have the latest Signal version

PS: If you don’t want to use FDroid you can install Aurora Store from AppLounge

It worked :slight_smile: Thank you for quick reply. I hit recklessly a few ‘next’ buttons, having had no idea what settings I have chosen and ignored several warnings. Wish this wasn’t part of the process…

Signal wants to be updated once in a while (about every 2nd month). But with App Lounge the update is possible (just tested it on a FP3).

Just for information, see here:

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There is also Signal FOSS to be added as F-droid repository. I have found it on F-droid forum :wink:

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