Using a Fairphone FP4 with Skype app. All incoming voice sounds like chipmunks. Apparently my voice sounds normal to whomever I am talking to. Any ideas how to fix?
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Using a Fairphone FP4 with Skype app. All incoming voice sounds like chipmunks. Apparently my voice sounds normal to whomever I am talking to. Any ideas how to fix?
Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online services
long standing issue at High-pitched voices with Skype 8.134 on FP4 with /e/OS 2.6 (#7790) · Issues · e / Backlog · GitLab
(in the forum at Microsoft Teams high-pitched voices)
I’d love to debug this, but don’t have an FP4 - I think the issue would benefit from a sound sample.
Much more so of a skype app logcat while doing a call to see which audio settings are used