Stuck in a boot loop after install attempt on FP5

Hi All,

Just tried to install on on a brand new FP5. Was the third time I did it. Got it to boot in e/OS. Then went back to fastboot mode to relock the bootloader and after:

fastboot flashing lock

like described here:

got a message that the phone was corrupted and could not boot. Now it only displays the fastboot menu and keeps going back there. Also I cannot connect to it any longer through my PC. Does this mean I bricked it? Could use a pointer here as to if this is fixable :frowning:

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probably yes, because of security patch date dismatch

By this do you mean that with the phone apparently in fastboot mode, with the green START at the top you get no response from

fastboot devices


This would tend to define “Non functioning fastboot” which would indicate requiring reimaging by by Fairphone if you tried to lock the phone after downgrading Android SPL.

This is mentioned as

Caution: The FP5 comes with an anti-rollback feature. Google Android anti-roll back feature is supposedly a way to ensure you are running the latest software version, including the latest security patches.
If you try installing a version of /e/OS based on a security patch that is older than the one on your device, you will brick your device. Click on Details below for detailed information

… but you really do have to Click on Details below to fully understand the issue.

This is exactly what I mean. No matter what option I choose, it goes back to this screen.

‘adb devices’

shows no devices now.

“which would indicate requiring reimaging by by Fairphone if you tried to lock the phone after downgrading Android SPL.”

I think this is what happened yeah. Does this mean I should ask Fairphone if they can reimage it? I don’t get how I did not have this problem with previous attempts. Don’t rememeber if I just didn’t relock or that versions were different at those times.

I think so. I guess they will also be able to go through the symptoms with you before you put it in the post to them or their agent.

Thanks, I will contact them tomorrow then.

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Contacted Fairphone. They will indeed reimage it for a reasonable fee <3 Then I will try again and hopefully don’t fudge up :slight_smile:

thanks all


Rollback protection errors are FATAL when the bootloader is LOCKED.
Rollback protection errors are IGNORED when the bootloader is UNLOCKED.
If you try installing a version of /e/OS based on a security patch that is older than the one on your device, you will brick your must keep it UNLOCKED

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Or wait about a month then update with newer e/OS/ version and then lock it (if used during that time all data will be wiped)

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Not sure if any of this helpes (you are not the fir.t one with that issue)

Another one but in German:

When you are not sure whether it can be locked, you can try to enter the command.
Fastboot flashing get_unlock_ability is not 0, it must be 1! If it is zero, don’t continue!

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Thanks all, phone is on it’s way to be reimaged so will try again next week.

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