Switch 4G to 2G

Difficile pour moi d’utiliser la fonction de sélection du Type de réseau préféré tellement les choix sont nombreux et complexes.
Je voudrais simplement pouvoir switcher entre 2G 3G et 4G.
Mon opérateur est “red by sfr”.
Merci d’avance si vous pouvez m’aider.


It’s hard for me to use the Preferred Network Type selection function because the choices are so numerous and complex.
I just want to be able to switch between 2G 3G and 4G.
My operator is “red by sfr”.
Thank you in advance if you can help me.

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Hi. Had you take a look at his thread?

Not concerning 2G but 3G. Maybe you will find useful information. For example, I think you can search on internet and find that 2G is GSM. In my settings I can find “only GSM”.

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My actual config is


with LTE prefered in mobile settings


Have you got the right APN for SFR ?

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Salut, merci pour votre réponse :slight_smile:
Je pense que l’APN SFR est correctement configuré.
Si J’ai bien compris, GSM pour 2G, WCDMA pour 3G et LTE pour 4G.
Merci encore.

Hi, thanks for your answer :slight_smile:
I think the SFR APN is correctly configured.
If I understood correctly, GSM for 2G, WCDMA for 3G and LTE for 4G.
Thank you again.