I just installed /e/ on my Moto G4 Athene and I had been using the included Android keyboard for years in Resurrection Remix but I was able to drag my finger across letters to make it predict words. Another keyboard calls this SWYPE. Why did /e/ take this feature out of the Android keyboard?
I’ve read threads here where others want this feature as well. One thread said the AnySoftKeyboard would swipe but dragging your finger to get predictive text doesn’t work on my phone. This is something I’ve come to depend on. Is there another keyboard that does this predictive swiping?
Thanks for letting me know this as there are further tweaks after the setup which I didn’t realize as the app said I was good to go after setup. So once u just check the box for gesture typing it does swype. A screenshot is attached.
Maybe /e/ is working with an older version of the Android Keyboard? I’ve been using swype with it for years and thought it was open source since I’ve seen AOSP next to the name.
He takes the files out of what is in the gapps zip that enables the swipe libs. Have a look. Doesn’t install anything more google than these files. Not open source, I don’t think.
In my S4 mini, it worked (I think it was /e/ Android 7)
In a Pixel, with /e/ 9, It didnt worked (but didnt show errors in script output).
In a Hammerhead (Lineage Android 10). It also didnt worked (without erros too)
The script output, in this last case, shows: “Detected Android version: 5.1.1”, but when I “adb shell” and “getprop ro.build.version.release”, It returns “10”, as expected.
The file /system/lib/libjni_latinimegoogle.so, that the script informed that was extracted, is not there.
Maybe I should modify the script and change the “9.0” (the script dont have a “10”) to “5.1.1”, but I would like to know why is it detecting my android version as 5.1.1. Any ideas? @Lio, your version is detected correctly?
in extracted folder “Optional”, extract swipelibs-lib-XXX.tar.lz (install lzip if you need)
in extracted folder “common/lib” now you have the libjni_latinimegoogle.so for your archtecture
reboot to recovery and, with twrp, mount system (there is an option in there)
adb push libjni_latinimegoogle.so /system/system/lib/
(maybe in your case is system/system/lib64)
umount system in twrp
reboot now and it will work.
continue (in twrp and system mounted) as in the reddit tutorial below to make changes persistent in OS updates.
(again in my case is lib (not lib64), so: sed '/^etc\/hosts/a lib\/libjni_latinimegoogle.so' 50-lineage.sh > 50-lineage.sh.backup)