Teracube 2e not de-googled

My brother bought a Fair Phone 4 a while back, being very interested in the privacy features of the /e/os. He received his phone and is very happy with it. I am very interested in the privacy part of Murena os. Especially since I use an iPhone and am fed up with Google now on it and the tracking everything. I researched and recently purchased the Teracube 2e from Murena. I was under the impression it would come “de-googled”, however, this phone has several google apps and the android 11 os. Had I known this, I would not have purchased this phone. I’ve sent 3 separate emails trying to get the problem resolved. Nothing. How can I contact them to find out what to do?

Thank you, in advance, for any help.

Hi @DebbieKay, welcome to this forum.

Paying customers can write in here with issue details

Thank you for your help.

there is no Gogol apps on this Murena Terracube running /e/OS…

(but they says “out of stock” on their european site and it is not viewable on their Etatsunian site)

My whole problem here is I wanted a totally de-googled phone. That’s what they advertise and that’s what I wanted. I have tried 3 different times to contact someone at Murena with no response. I didn’t want to have to remove anything Google. The browser is Google Chrome. I just tried to download Duck Duck Go for my browser, but I can’t add an app without a Google account, and I don’t have one, and do not want one. Also, 31% of my phone memory is being used up by 36 apps, most of which I don’t want on my phone. I would have just kept my iPhone. So, I need to know how to reach someone who will answer my questions about getting a truly de-googled phone. My brother’s phone had no Google anything on it. His came with the e/os on it. That’s what I thought I was getting with the Teracube. If anyone knows what I can do, and I’ve tried, without success, the contact page, to reach someone at Murena US, I’d be forever grateful.

I agree with you 100%. And that’s why I bought this Teracube phone. But I assure you this is not the phone I got from Murena US. It should have come e/os. That’s what they advertised, But it did not. I cannot even download Duck Duck Go to replace Google Chrome, the browser that came on the phone, without a Google account and I will not open a Google account. My sole purpose in purchasing this phone was to have no Google on my phone. And that’s what they advertised.

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oh quelle horreur :

they will replace it, it will take time, OR, we can guide you for the conversion…
Step by Step !

That’s great! Thank you! I definitely want a phone with no Google on it at all. I love what Murena is doing for privacy. That’s the biggest draw to Murena for me. I understand, looking at the Murena US site that the Teracube is no longer available in the US. I like the phone, but that’s fine. I’d be glad to pay the difference to have the CMF phone, which appears to be available soon. If they have to refund the Teracube, I’ll be glad to purchase the CMF, when available. I’d be glad to wait for that phone if that’s what I have to do.

Also, I have reached out to Murena 3 separate times with no response. I do understand it was around Christmas and they’d be really busy. But, I need to figure out how to get the phone with the operating system I want, and they advertised.

i can convert it with you

  • in less than an hour if you have access to a linux computer

  • in a bit more than an hour if you only have a Windobe computer

This forum is a quite of unofficial Hot Line… Lol

Nice! I have a Linux computer but it is not booted up. Also, I’m not tech savvy, so what happens if I do something wrong and brick the phone? And, am I connecting the Teracube to the computer? I just need to know what I’m expecting. The forum is great and giving me hope!!!

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i look at the manual, rapid overview already done !
i link you the manual, Install /e/OS on a Teracube Teracube 2e (2021) - “emerald”
i point you to the download link for the needed files

I type the commands here,

you copy using the little symbol at the right of the grey line above,
you paste on you pc using the right clic

et voila !

Am I opening this chat on my computer?

easier it is for copy / paste

Computer is up, chat is on my computer now.

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please identify you device

  1. Serial Number starting with 2020 (ex: 202011T2Exxxxxx)
  2. Serial Number starting with 2021 (ex: 202111T2Exxxxxx)

what linux distribution ?

Ubuntu. I am looking for the serial number for the phone now.


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also do you prefer to :

  • always be up to date with the last improvements
    (monthly OTA updates but manual upgrade once a year)


  • let the last improvements to the others
    (monthly OTA updates and annual OTA upgrade but 2 month later than the others)

you need to choice !

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so codename is (emerald) Info about Teracube Teracube 2e (2021) - emerald

so it is Official version against Community version, download this build :


coming from the /e/OS official emerald download page.


for your information, in the future :
[HOWTO] Give complete /e/OS version info easily for support, answers, comparison etc



to be continued … … …

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We may ping @Manoj here, maybe he can help you.
While installing /e/OS by yourself (with @piero’s excellent help!) is the easiest solution for everyone involved, it should be taken into account that you have paid an additional fee not only to support the E Foundation, but also to have /e/OS installed on your phone. Hence, some partial refund may be justified IMHO.

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