Teracube 2e not de-googled

This is very confusing. Did you or did you not buy the phone from Murena?

In any case, the image shows a device that does not have /e/OS installed.

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la poesie et la comedie n’aurait plus de place dans notre monde ?

poetry and comedy no longer has a place in our world?

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Clever people can’t consider precedent post at first degree.

for reference :

the US Murena shop has just recently opened,
an error can occur sometimes

don’t be so severe, especially about etatsunians workers,
they’re a bit retarded, aren’t they?

hopefully, this Forum is a serious business !
my friends and i, want to see no deal break here 

yeah, the big Barakuda is driving the van

or whatever is his name in Original Version of the TV serie !

They are black, with a red stripe !
I am talking about the gentle bearded driver and his mythic van

we are still in war, but, let’s stay UNOFFICIAL !


The A-Team
 in french : “L’agence tous risques” (those who rock)


it was relative to


in short, the devotion we put here in helping others users

in fact, this device seems defect.
so yes, an error can occur

I did purchase the phone from Murena US

unfortunatly, @DebbieKay encountred doulourous posting limitations as a new user of this forum, so she sent me eMails when i answered via private messsage.


so, following the Official documentation,

Install /e/OS on a Teracube Teracube 2e (2021) - “emerald”

we tried to liberate the device

here the device don’t reboot as expected,
she had to force it to reboot

but it should have been unlocked as she had to pass the first android boot setup

so redo


with no error, but next step don’t pass !

Capture d’écran du 2025-01-13 14-10-18

here is the output

after redoing, we stop at this point

Finally we fail to achieve.
she will have to return the device to Murena
sad story,
hopefully it is rare to not succeed, as yesterday evening

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It says that mke2fs fails.

Linux distributions were not always lucky with the choice of fastboot command they distributed, sometimes it led to trouble.
And mke2fs trouble sometimes was observed with too old fastboot versions.

What was being used here? The command from the Linux distribution or the command from https://developer.android.com/tools/releases/platform-tools?

(fastboot --version should show)

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[SOLVED] Error: Couldn’t detect partition: md_udc

hello @DebbieKay ,

what about your phone ?

Still waiting for an answer. Someone did reach out and say they’d refund it and I could purchase another since the Teracube was no longer available. But that’s been a whole ago and I still haven’t gotten it resolved. Thanks for trying, though.

One solution could be:

Step N°1
Keep the 2e and claim compensation from /e/ for the inconvenience caused and your time spent.

Step N°2
Install the 2e-emerald manually with /e/OS-S 2.7 (A12).

Upgrade the 2e-emerald to stock Android 13 

[Certified] Android 13.1.1 for Teracube 2e Emerald (SN:2021)

 and wait until /e/OS-T (A13), which has been announced for months, is available.

Side note: The Teracube 2e (emerald) is rare and hard to get hold of, even second-hand.

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We’ve tried to install E2Emerald several times. I could not make it work. I could not get the phone off Google. I even had help from someone experienced.

I’ve freshly installed /e/OS-S 2.7. So it works!

Which stock Android version is installed on your 2e? An exact specification is helpful!

Are you sure, the bootloader is unlocked ?
Did you

fastboot flashing unlock

after OEM unlock ?

please see message 30 for achieved steps and error

Teracube 2e not de-googled - #30 by piero

@ AnotherElk has alrteady pointed a weakness in the steps we did.

we don’t know if @ DebbieKay still have the device

I do still have the phone because I can’t get a response from Murena. My issue right now is I don’t have time to devote to trying this right now. My work schedule is ridiculous. And, I purchased the phone because it was supposed to be de-googled already. If I can’t get a response from them soon, I might try to install it myself again, but I have no idea when, Again, the reason I was purchasing a phone already de-googled.

Please can you confirm if you actually get no response from the above quoted “Contact form”. We do know that there is a real problem due to the outage that previously used helpdesk email addresses are non functional.

  • Maybe it is required to include an Invoice number or such to prove the enquiry is from a Customer.

I have used the form several times with no response.

so you can invest an hour to install latest fastboot version following this instructions ( i remember i advise you to apt install fastboot because easier)
and retry to install /e/ using it :

The mke2fs problem applies to the windows versions (solved with 34.0.1).

I never suffered from fastboot problems even using an old version 28.0.2-debian.