Tips for Managing Spam Effectively with Rspamd on eOS

Hi everyone,

I’ve been having some ongoing issues with managing spam in my email and could use some advice on the best way to handle it. I’m using the Mail app on my device, and I’ve noticed that emails are often mistakenly put into the Spam folder. To correct this, I usually move these emails back to the Inbox. On the server (web application), I mark such emails as not-spam. Additionally, I’ve tried saving email contacts that are wrongly flagged to my contacts list, hoping this would help SpamAssassin Rspamd learn my preferences.

Despite these efforts, I keep finding important emails in the Spam folder. It seems like neither moving emails to the Inbox nor marking them as not-spam on the server is making a lasting difference.

Has anyone had success with getting SpamAssassin Rspamd to learn effectively from these actions? What methods or practices would you recommend to better train SpamAssassin Rspamd to recognize my legitimate emails? Any tips or strategies that have worked for you would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

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Have you tried setting up the filter as suggested here? This was an input we got from the application developer

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Thanks Manoj for the tip. I’ll set up a filter for really important contact, but I won’t be setting up filters for some of the newsletters. Too much work.

Additionally, this is not teaching the spam killer, is it? So, how can one teach it to personal preferences?

At first, Murena isn’t using SpamAssassin but Rspamd. You can confirm that by taking a look at any message header (X-* attributes).

As far as I know, any message move to Inbox from Spam folder (manually or automatically) will train the learning process.
I don’t know yet if the “unspam” filter is acting after or before spam classification, having the move “seen” by the learning process, or not…

Please be aware of:

  • out of the box (that’s to say: not changed by Murena admins :wink: ), the move must happen at least 30 times to have it learned
  • you’re using a shared service: if anyone else is flagging the same message (sender/sender+subject/sender+destination/… ? don’t remember sorry) as spam this will counteract your actions
  • you can’t speed up, neither force the process, by your own. Unless you set up filter as instructed :wink:
  • Rspamd isn’t aware of your “favorite” contacts (they’re handled by Nextcloud, Rspamd can’t access them)

Thank you! There are some information which I am scared of: shared service, no whitelisting by My contacts…

I will try consistently mark items as not-spam on the server. But after Christmas I’m trying another way: