Translation of /e/ OS text in different languages

Why the translations are not adopted? Many Chinese translations I contributed remain “suggestions”, not applied to even the most recent update.

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I wondered the same thing about your contributions. Did you email and get the invitation to Telegram channel? Thank you for your valuable contributions.

ff you have made the contribution through our translation team…one reason would be we need at least 2 translators - one to suggest and one to review and approve.

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Further to that, specifically, is the use of proper nouns, a discussion would be needed about fundamentals. Here is an example.

Apps meaning /e/ App store. I felt it was beyond my pay grade to approve his translation!

See also a conversation I had here.

Do you mean my translation is not that good? I guess I should go improve them.
And since I’m in China, using telegram is neither easy nor “safe”(you may draw unwanted attention from big brother’s underlings). Let alone I don’t trust telegram and I have no account…

@Xenium, Hi, your translation was good, very good. I am only a very beginning old student, so cannot contribute a lot. Only the proper nouns, I could not confirm! and then that seemed important.

About proper nouns, did you read the little thread I mentioned above? Have you a comment on that?

I understand the Telegram issue.

Do you have friends who would agree your work, as @Manoj says, the contributions are only accepted when verified by others.

Hi @Manoj, rather an old topic but do we have any reviewers currently? I get the impression work on Weblate is blocked in some way!

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Let me check if this is the case and get back

Was checking this with the members on the translation channel…we have an issue with some languages having only one translator. This prevents a review round and also at times creates errors. Checking on which languages have this issue and will put out a request for volunteers


It was the French language I was thinking of having seen what French speaking /e/ users see: two lines of French text and all the content in English! Edit, but the Weblate pages seem “locked or blocked” to me as a casual translator. (Insensitively placed image removed, to go in another thread which I will start if I can resolve my issue with @helpdesk)

@Manoj about app translations, will translation to upstream flow to /e/ fork of app? Also what about other way round?

Also asking cause it’s easier to get participated to upstream translations than /e/ & would be nice if one translation work would help also upstream, if not translated yet.

All our translators are volunteers. If they have the time, they are always welcome to make this contribution upstream.

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Yes I know, I volunteered to translate over a year ago, first got warm welcome message and info that case is forwarded to teamleader who should return to the case. Well never heard nothing back, but it’s ok.

Reason I asked was cause now after being translating quite many apps, it sometimes takes time to take care those translations are up to date and yeah, will come late.

As an translator I certainly wouldn’t want to do same work twice. That’s what I think you suggested if translator is free to use own time to make those translations available also to upstream. I was kind of hoping that background systems would be built in the way that translations would be automatically “offered” to upstream too if technically possible, or… translations to upstream would flow to downstream at your fork.

Like said, it’s easy to start translating to upstream. All need to do that is feeling “I want to participate” and start. Ok isn’t quite that simple at Mozilla either, but quite fast process. On smaller apps it’s more like just starting to translate.

@Manoj I just checked translation wiki page, is it really that nowdays if one has e gitlab account, (s)he can start to translate right away? So no more waiting for being accepted as translator?

If that’s really how things are nowdays, then I will volunteer (again) and start to check is there’s need for translation for Finnish.

Yes. With a gitlab account you should be able to translate. We do not have translations or translation teams in all languages so have shortlisted a few like French, German, Spanish, Italian. Send a mail to the, and I will request the translation team manager to guide you further.

Ok, will do “tomorrow” (at day). Hopefully same won’t happen this time as did ~year ago (still waiting to hear from teamleader => figured out, I’m not needed).

I had the same experience. But I guess they are more responsive now!