Unable to install E/OS on Samsun S8s

Hi there E/OS community :slightly_smiling_face:

I am fairly novice at installing software. I tried installing E/OS on my Samsung S8 phone, using both the easy installer and newer E/OS installer without success. The error message on newest installer says model not compatible, after the left window said Samsung phone paired (without model). The bottom right continue button stays in processing mode, forever.

I strongly suspect my phone was hacked at the firmware level. The first clue was that I am being blocked from installing ANY anti virus programs. The second clue is that I cannot successfully reset the phone to factory where I get error messages on all the lines, i.e. drive E not found etc.

So I was wondering if I can install the E/OS operating system from the bootloader ?

Thank you for any assistance with my issue.


Regain your privacy! Adopt /e/OS the deGoogled mobile OS and online servicesphone

hello @jackschellack, Welcome to this forum.

you have to remove all account (Gogol, Samsung …) and PIN code.

to be sure and safe, you can reflash the entire Samsung Firmware, what is your exact model number ? and country ?

Hi Piero, Thank you for the welcome and response !

I actually bought this phone from an individual, which was unlocked and all data erased. I got a new SIM card and activated the phone.

I have used it a few times only to make a few phone calls and a few texts.

The model is SM-G950F.

How can I reflash the firmware ? Will that eliminate the hack ?

I have not used the phone for months ,because of this hack…

Thank you for any assistance,


the bug with “not so easy” installers is général

what is your country ?
choose a free from carrier Firmware.
what is the OS running on your PC ?

My country is Canada,

I have a Ubuntu PC, which I am replying with and a Windows 10 PC which I used to try to install e/os on phone.

there is no FIZ (canadian free from carrier) and no other canadian specific CSC for this device.
you will need a neighboor’s country CSC (with comparable used bands) @jets ?

Also, are you aware that voLTE feature don’t works on Sansung devices running custom android ?

easier for Samsung Firmware installation (don’t forget Samsung driver)

works well also even less simple for Samsung users new to android flashing

Sorry Piero you lost me a bit with your explanation. Regarding the CSC, you mean I have to choose one of the downloads from other country, like UK ? And what is a voLTE ?

Read about flashing on net. Is it better to use ODIN or intelligent switch ?

Having problems with responding on the post. System says I have to wait 19 minutes to answer ?

I will need to log off for a few hours.

Thank you for your help.


my turn to not understand…

voice over LTE (4G network) is used in country where carriers shut down their 3G antenna

new user restrictions…

I read on the net that intelligent switch was one way to flash firmware. Regarding the voLTE, does that mean that my LTE network will not work with E/OS ?

Signing off for tonight.


Yes, it does. VoLTE is proprietary Samsung software and is not supported by any CustomROM.

Install Windows Samsung USB driver

Install / use Odin v3.13.3 for Windows Hostmaschine = Android 9 full support

Install / use BTU / United Kingdom for your Samsung S8 SM-G950F

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voLTE is working with /e/ but not on a Samsung…

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Thank you Xxpsilon for the info and links :slightly_smiling_face:



You are in Canada, there are lots of inexpensive devices to use with eOS. For instance Pixel series 4a5g up all have 5th generation technology (5G). These are tried and true devices. Send me a PM (private message) with your city or province I will tell you where to look.

Hi Jets,

I am new to this forum and do not know how to PM. Can you send me an email instead to discuss privately ?

Thanks, Jack

Clic on his avatar, PM will be proposed…

I do not see PM when I click on his flag. I must be too new to get this option.

Hi Joe,

Thank you for your suggestion. I just bought this phone a few months back. I use this phone only 6 months out of the year when I am outside of town in a rural area and only for calls, texts and a bit of video streaming .

If I can reflash this phone and install /e/OS I can see if it works in my rural area. I can revert back to android afterwards if not good enough

I am not interested in a 5G phone. If you can suggest good 4 G models with voLTE, I might consider, if my samsung is not adequte.

I am near Ottawa.


If you go to this page you can pick any phone that is 4G only and is supported by eOS:


I only suggest 5G for the faster data. The Pixels below the 4a5g are 4G only and are supported by eOS U. The 4G Motorola like the G7, Plus and Power are also supported by eOS U. By choosing and eOS U phone you will still get security updates for “some” time.

One last thought is in most case in a 5G phones you can turn the 5G (NR) off.

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Thank you Joe.

I looked at the Motorola phones and I can get a Motorola G Power (2021) model XT-2117-4 for a good price.

I wanted to make sure that this phone is still compatible to install /e/OS on it and has no known issues running the OS ?

Thank you for confirming or directing me to the right place.

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