[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Nothing Phone 1 (Spacewar) for /e/OS-T and /e/OS-U

hey @ronnz98

omg I can’t believe you’ve already created e/os 2.6… :slight_smile:

I am speechless, but of course I test it again and give feedback.

I am always happy to get an update from the best creator in e/os. :ok_hand: :+1:

many many thanks for your creation of the e/os system :slight_smile: :ok_hand: :+1:


hey @ronnz98

I am finished testing.all standart apps work. :slight_smile:

clean installation.

Installation without error.

sim 4g,5g SMS Internet ok
glyph ok after restart.
Bluetooth, WLAN ok
fake IP ok
GPS ok
Fingerprint ok

found no mistakes. :+1:

I noticed that
the parent control in the settings no longer led to a crash. :+1:

it is a dream again a super stable perfect e/os for nothing phone 1. :slight_smile:

many many thanks for your time and effort in creating the e/os version. :slight_smile: :ok_hand: :+1:



Hi guys, is it necessary to do a clean install, or is it possible to install 2.6 over the former install?

Incredible how quickly the 2.6 has been created! It is greatly appreciated!

How to install /e/OS on the Nothing Phone 1 (Spacewar) :

(for 30 days version)

  1. create a folder where your will download the needed files and call it : "/special"

on your computer

Open a terminal from this "/special" folder

:+1: download e-2.6-u-20241211-CUSTOM-Spacewar.zip to your "/speciall" forder.

:+1: download the IMG-recovery-e-2.6-u-20241211-CUSTOM-Spacewar.zip and extract the files in the "/special" folder

  1. install the recovery-e :
fastboot flash vendor_boot vendor_boot.img && fastboot flash boot boot.img
  1. reboot to the recovery-e
fastboot reboot recovery

on the phone

  1. format the /data partition

choose "Factory reset" then "Format data / factory reset"
when finished, go back to the main menu

  1. install the /e/OS build

choose "Apply update" then "Apply from ADB"

on the computer

adb sideload e-2.6-u-20241211-CUSTOM-Spacewar.zip

when finished,

on the phone

go back to the main menu

  1. start a new life with your new google-free Android /e/ Operating System

choose "Reboot system now" it’s done

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How to install /e/OS on the Nothing Phone 1 (Spacewar) :

(for ever @ronnz98 version)

  1. create a folder where your will download the needed files and call it : "/special",

on your computer

Open a terminal from this "/special" folder

:+1: download /e/OS for spacewar by @ronnz98 to your "/speciall" forder.

download payload-dumper-go

1.2. download payload-dumper-go and also put it into the "/speciall" forder

for an Intel 64bit laptop, select the linux_amd64 file,

1.3. extract the downloaded file into your "/special" folder

tar xzvf payload-dumper-go_1.2.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz payload-dumper-go

1.4. extract the recovery-e from the /e/OS build using "payload-dumper-go"

./payload-dumper-go -o special -p boot,vendor_boot e-2.6-u-20241211-CUSTOM-Spacewar.zip
  1. install the recovery :
fastboot flash vendor_boot vendor_boot.img && fastboot flash boot boot.img
  1. reboot to the recovery
fastboot reboot recovery

on the phone

  1. format the /data partition

choose "Factory reset" then "Format data / factory reset"
when finished, go back to the main menu

  1. install the /e/OS build

choose "Apply update" then "Apply from ADB"

on the computer

adb sideload e-2.6-u-20241211-CUSTOM-Spacewar.zip

when finished,

on the phone

go back to the main menu

  1. start a new life with your new google-free Android /e/ Operating System

choose "Reboot system now" it’s done

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Update for /e/OS-U 2.7:
Now signed build.



:white_check_mark: e-2.7-u-20250111-UNOFFICIAL-Spacewar :crown: signed dev-keys :crown: by @ronnz98
:white_check_mark: recovery-e-2.7-u-20250111-UNOFFICIAL-Spacewar (= boot.img )

:negative_squared_cross_mark: Secure download of vendor_boot.img boot.img

:sparkle: Internal Local update makes a manual update without a host PC very easy.

Ronald, thank you very much for building with :crown: signed dev-keys :crown:


hey @ronnz98

what my eyes see there is an update on 2.7 that is wonderful. :slight_smile:

I’ll try it right away, but I know it’s gonna work great, like 2.6… and then it’s still signed, it’s a dream. :+1: :ok_hand:

many many thanks for creating time and effort you do invest.

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hey @cosphi

I think with an update signed by unsigned will not go a local update.

I will test it but clean installation always works. :slight_smile:

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hey @ronnz98

have it installed as always without errors. :+1:

local update not possible only clean installation.

by signing, the notification is finally gone when the system is started. :ok_hand:

found no mistakes. :slight_smile:

If I find some, I’ll tell you.

yes @ronnz98 is the best creator of e/os in the creation area. :slight_smile: :ok_hand: :+1:

many thanks for the creation. :slight_smile:

I love the e/os system for the nothing phone 1, it is perfect thank you :slight_smile:

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The problem is omnipresent - see:

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