[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Nothing Phone 2 (Pong) for /e/OS-T

Only for the brave and the sources are very new!

Nothing Phone 2 (Pong) for /e/OS-T-1.17


Please see sources and install instructions including recovery here:

Use it at your own risk!
Please support the developer(s)!

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Alternative Custom Recovery: OrangeFox-pong-beta@R11.1_1 - 27.10.2023

OrangeFox is an advanced and fully customized recovery. It is your very good alternative to to TWRP recovery with a fully touch-based user interface.

@ronnz98ā€™s e-1.18-t-20231209-UNOFFICIAL-Pong.zip contains a file named boot (101 MB), dtbo (25 MB), odm (1.8 MB), product (1.5 GB), recovery (105 MB), system (2.5 GB), system_ext (440 MB), vbmeta (8.2 kB), vbmeta_system (4.1 kB), vbmeta_vendor (4.1 kB), vendor (2.0 GB), vendor_boot (101 MB), vendor_dlkm (63 MB)

For a first clean install you need = download secure from here:


Happy Flashing :crossed_fingers:

Did anyone test this build? Do you want further builds?

Oh wow! I missed this fantastic news, @ronnz98 !!!

Canā€™t wait to try it over the next week or so! (itā€™s currently my work phone; I need to transition that before I flash)

Please feel free to DM me a Paypal or Patreon account; Iā€™ll be happy to support future builds.

Also, Iā€™ll wager that the ā€œdisco ballā€ on the back of the phone wonā€™t work with /e/OS; are you able to confirm this?

I dont know if this ROM works at allā€¦ hopefully it does.
However there are other custom ROMs available which confirmed working.
Please provide feedbackā€¦ if the ROM works Iā€™ll do future builds!

Working fine in Nothing Phone (1) [UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Nothing Phone (1) for /e/OS-T

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Nothing Nothing Phone (2) ā€˜pongā€™

OrangeFox Recovery OrangeFox-pong-beta@R11.1_1 2023-10-27

Okay, soā€¦not off to a great start, Iā€™m afraid.

downloaded the ROM, hashes:
CRC32: 7657DD6D
MD5: C95F84B7A746617FD9A1012A4C0AF846
SHA-1: 2662B0A744E9DE47ED9B12295E016493DA572F6E
SHA-256: EEF70C667929D76EB48909B39F5E257B21C35ED8FB278E7DB9FB0F728B2D4553

I followed the linked steps from the Nameless ROM; flashed boot, vendor_boot, and recovery. Iā€™d also flashed vbmeta and dtbo from @Xxpsilon as well.

At the 47% mark the adb sideload fails:

Let me know what to do next!

please look at the xda forum


I will also do a new build soon as the sources were updated

Updated build using updated sources:


Which custom recovery did you use?

@ronnz98ā€™s *zip contains the following images:

boot (101 MB), dtbo (25 MB), odm (1.8 MB), product (1.5 GB), recovery (105 MB), system (2.5 GB), system_ext (440 MB), vbmeta (8.2 kB), vbmeta_system (4.1 kB), vbmeta_vendor (4.1 kB), vendor (2.0 GB), vendor_boot (101 MB), vendor_dlkm (63 MB)

For a first clean install you need = download secure from here:


Happy Flashing :crossed_fingers:

well @ronnz98 and @Xxpsilon , I got it installedā€¦and wow was it a trip!

I canā€™t recount all of the procedures I went through, and certainly not in orderā€¦but Iā€™d gotten my phone into an unbootable stateā€¦so the XDA thread had an EDL recovery tool that got me back to the stock ROM, which was an incredibly helpful starting point. (to directly answer your question @Xxpsilon , Iā€™ve been using a combination of the /e/Recovery for ADB sideloading, and OrangeFox)

The ā€œboth slotsā€ part confused me, since Slot A would boot the stock ROM and Slot B would boot loop, but I tried flashing the build to Slot B using the minimalist /e/ Recovery Environment linked in the thread.

ā€¦and it worked! /e/OS is working just wonderfully on the NP2!

ā€¦that might be a bit premature, I grantā€¦it starts up and I was able to root it and install an app or two from App Lounge, and it hasnā€™t crashed or shown any other form of failure, so Iā€™m in so-far-so-good territory, for certain.

The first thing I went to try was the ā€œdisco ballā€ on the backā€¦and while i was hopeful as per @Xxpsilonā€™s indication that the NP1 glyphs function in /e/OS, I was unsurprised that the glyph on the NP2 do not function in /e/OS. I tried the app ā€œGlyphithā€, thatā€™s supposed to manually enable the LEDs for the NP1 (the NP2 has a compatibility mode, if the custom ringtone tools from SebiAi are any indication), but no dice. I then got the Nothing Composer, and itā€™s not able to light up the glyphs, either.

So, please forgive my vanity in making that the first thing I tested in earnest, but it was a definite curiosity of mine. Itā€™d clearly require some custom kernel tweaks so Iā€™m certainly not holding my breath.

Switching gears, the interface as a whole is super fluid and responsive. The system boots incredibly quickly, no complaints anywhere there. The camera works like OpenCamera, so lens switching works well and the manual controls are what to expectā€¦i had no issues of consequence (the app said there was an issue when switching lenses, then happily took photos from both).

Iā€™m actually going to revisit spinning up my /e/Cloud VM and tying this phone to it to see how that worksā€¦I didnā€™t use the Murena account framework on the old phone, but itā€™s been over a year; Iā€™m looking forward to giving it another go, and reporting back on that front.

Thank you again, so, so much, for your hard work on this! Iā€™ve been waiting since release for such great news!

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NP1 Glyph interface - Settings for glyph lights only work for me after a restart. This is the same for LineageOS 20.0 and LineageOS-20.0-for-microG.

Clear Caches with this Cache Cleaner from F-Droid Store. After successful clean-up, restart yor system and try whether the Glyph interface can now be configured.

Great news! Since the sources are actively developed I would assume that newer version should hopefully fix current issues.

Thank you for the assist, @Xxpsilon !

I did as you said, and ran the cache cleaner, on all apps, and the phone has been rebooted no less than ten times. Unfortunately, neither Glyphith nor Composer will activate the glyphs at this stage, Iā€™m afraid.

Itā€™s a pity that the Glyph interface doesnā€™t work. The ā€œdisco ballā€ does offer an unusual appearance.

By the way: There is a clone of NP1: Unihertz ā€˜Lunaā€™

Itā€™s a pity that the Glyph interface doesnā€™t work. The ā€œdisco ballā€ does offer an unusual appearance.

I think itā€™ll get there. The telegram group for crDroid and Nameless AOSP both indicate that they canā€™t address the glyphs at the current stage. The Nothing Discord server indicates that the Glyph API is still not open and no SDK is provided.

One enterprising user went a bit further and did some decompiling of the official Nothing apps, and published their findings: https://github.com/rec0de/glyph-api. The most useful takeaway from that page is that, if I understand this right (software development isnā€™t exactly my specialty), there are some first party libraries and system apps that are integrated into the NothingOS stock ROM that, obviously, arenā€™t going to be present in /e/OS.

Perhaps Nothing will open up the Glyph API or an enterprising user will conjure up a flashable ZIP or a Magisk module for AOSP ROMs. deGoogled / FOSS Android builds for the NP2 are pretty new for the ecosystem, and it seems that even Nothing users are generally fine with the first party software that ships with the phone (in fairness, itā€™s probably the best stock ROM Iā€™ve used aside from Nokia).

For now though, Iā€™m just thrilled to no end that I can run /e/OS on my phone. The glyphs will come.

There is a clone of NP1: Unihertz ā€˜Luna

I keep forgetting about Unihertz! they really do make some of the most unique handsets and I probably should take a closer look at them next go-round. The question in the case of the Luna is whether their disco ball suffers from similar problems as the NP2. Amongst the reasons I was drawn to the NP2 was the ecosystem around it; the NP1 already had a good number of custom ROMs for it when I bought my NP2, but Unihertz has neither an XDA category nor an /e/OS port, even an unofficial one, for any of their handsets that I saw.