[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Nothing Phone 2 (Pong) for /e/OS-T

It’s a pity that the Glyph interface doesn’t work. The “disco ball” does offer an unusual appearance.

By the way: There is a clone of NP1: Unihertz ‘Luna’

It’s a pity that the Glyph interface doesn’t work. The “disco ball” does offer an unusual appearance.

I think it’ll get there. The telegram group for crDroid and Nameless AOSP both indicate that they can’t address the glyphs at the current stage. The Nothing Discord server indicates that the Glyph API is still not open and no SDK is provided.

One enterprising user went a bit further and did some decompiling of the official Nothing apps, and published their findings: https://github.com/rec0de/glyph-api. The most useful takeaway from that page is that, if I understand this right (software development isn’t exactly my specialty), there are some first party libraries and system apps that are integrated into the NothingOS stock ROM that, obviously, aren’t going to be present in /e/OS.

Perhaps Nothing will open up the Glyph API or an enterprising user will conjure up a flashable ZIP or a Magisk module for AOSP ROMs. deGoogled / FOSS Android builds for the NP2 are pretty new for the ecosystem, and it seems that even Nothing users are generally fine with the first party software that ships with the phone (in fairness, it’s probably the best stock ROM I’ve used aside from Nokia).

For now though, I’m just thrilled to no end that I can run /e/OS on my phone. The glyphs will come.

There is a clone of NP1: Unihertz ‘Luna

I keep forgetting about Unihertz! they really do make some of the most unique handsets and I probably should take a closer look at them next go-round. The question in the case of the Luna is whether their disco ball suffers from similar problems as the NP2. Amongst the reasons I was drawn to the NP2 was the ecosystem around it; the NP1 already had a good number of custom ROMs for it when I bought my NP2, but Unihertz has neither an XDA category nor an /e/OS port, even an unofficial one, for any of their handsets that I saw.

Unihertz LUNA with MediaTek’s Helio G99 SoC and UFS 2.2 memory is sufficiently fast. The IPS display is very large at 6.81 inches. When you hold the Unihertz Luna in your hand for the first time, you immediately notice that the smartphone is no lightweight. Quite the opposite: at 298 grams, it is also very heavy and bulky at 168 x 76.8 x 10.4 millimetres.

Yes, unfortunately there is no custom ROM for the LUNA yet, but when /e/OS-T GSI is released, it will get one more Google-free chance, but probably without an active rear LED light. But - if you now activate the rear LED light with music-accompanied lighting, the Unihertz Luna doesn’t look like a calm, relaxed moonlight (as the name would suggest), but more like a party iPhone on ecstasy. According to the manufacturer, the LED design is supposedly inspired by ancient oriental philosophy of the round sky - so the name “Luna” makes a little more sense. The loss of the light show will not be painful.

Love the discussion and rabbit trail as I do @Xxpsilon , I’ve got my first bug report for @ronnz98 : vibration doesn’t work. At all. I’ve tried all the settings, but vibration absolutely does not work in any context or capacity.

LMK how I can help solve this when you’ve got time,

Update for /e/OS-T 1.19:


Flash went great; haven’t found any new issues in the build so far!

Vibration (and glyphs) still aren’t working though. Not sure if it helps, but I realized that vibration doesn’t work in OrangeFox, either…is it possible that the two are related?

Thanks again, and please DM me with a paypal/venmo/patreon account when you have a minute.

@voyager529 reports: ... (and glyphs) still aren’t working though.

crDroid Dev @DylanAkp reports:
08-02-2024 Added Glyphify (An alternative app to ParanoidGlyph ...

Yes but the crDroid version is Android 14 only… will be some time until /e/OS support Android 14 ( /e/OS-U ?)

OrangeFox Recovery Stable Releases 2024-02-13

Update for /e/OS-T 1.20:


Unfortunately the source for A13 seem not to be actively developed any more. The good news is the A14 (LOS21) is actively developed. I made a LOS21 which one can find on XDA. Will do a port when /e/OS-U is available


I know this is an Unofficial build rather than a Custom build, but is there any chance that Dylan’s telephony fix is integrated into this release?

Yeah, if I get support how I can integrate it (sources and instructions) I can do another build.

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Updates for /e/OS-T 1.21:


hey @ronnz98 !

Question on this…Actually, a couple.

First off, as I’ve always said, you’re doing the Lord’s work by porting /e/OS to so many devices unofficially…is there some way I can help? Can I spin up a VM somewhere to help compile or something to that effect?Please let me know if I can be of assistance to your efforts (DM is fine).

More specific to the NP2, it seems Dylan managed to do two interesting things in his crDroid port for this phone: He got the SMS bug fixed by switching to qcom telephony, and he integrated ParanoidGlyph to make the glyphs work. Both of these are pretty unique to this phone, so I wouldn’t expect them to be added to the main /e/OS image, but is it at all possible to integrate these changes? The glyph one is a nice-to-have, I concede, but the dropped SMS messages make /e/OS basically unusable on this device, which is why I moved back to my OnePlus 8T, and let my NP2 go back to stock ROM and function as my work phone.

I’m certain you’ve got your hands full with porting the 2.0 release to all the different devices, hence me leading with my intent to assist if I can…but if the integration of these changes is easy enough for the 2.0 release of /e/OS as a custom build for the NP2, it’d be awesome.


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at the moment I suppose you (and myself) cannot do much. Dylan sources are Android 14/LOS21 only which leaves us two options currently:

Option 1 (complex);
Someone incorporates the updates and fixes from Dylan’s A14 source to the existing A13 sources which however is certainly not easy

Option 2 (waiting…)
When A14 based /e/OS version is released I can take Dylan’s sources and make a build…assumingly the next /e/OS will be relased earliest in some months

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Hello! I was considering to buy this phone, do you have a link with the list of features that are not working on this ROM? it would be my primary phone. thats why :slight_smile: I promise providing continuous feedback if I get the phone, and help, if you show me how can I help too.

Hey @Guillermoto !

I don’t know if any of the work on /e/OS has incidentally solved the issues, but I moved off of my NP2 and back onto my OnePlus 8T for the following three reasons:

1.) Incoming SMS texts were inconsistently working…as in, they would sometimes drop and not be delivered at all. Other times, they’d show up eventually. I tried every workaround and temporary fix, but this was the single biggest issue that caused me to discontinue using my NP2 with /e/OS. Other AOSP ROM creators expressed similar issues.

2.) Vibration didn’t work. Not just for calls or notifications, for anything.

3.) Glyphs don’t work.

So…based on Ronnie’s statement about the fixes requiring an Android 14 base (and /e/OS still being based on Android 13 for the time being), it pains me to give the following advice, since both /e/OS and the NP2 are fantastic in their own right…I’d recommend either you 1.) hold off getting the NP2 and sticking with /e/OS on a more functional phone (it’s ironic that the Pixel phones seem to be some of the best supported), or 2.) get the NP2 and run something like Dylanakp’s CrDroid ROM and tie your Murena account to it through Nextcloud (which is my plan in short order).

thank you for the honest review! I will wait a bit longer then. the pixel phones is true, hahaha, I was considering the 8a with the recent offer they did, but I will stay a bit longer then with mine, thanks!

The so-called “better” hardware of the Nothing Phone (2) “Pong” compared to the Nothing Phone (1) “Spacewar” is, in my experience, negligible in daily practice.

The @ronnz98 ROM /e/OS-T e-2.0-t-20240513-UNOFFICIAL-Spacewar has been running flawlessly since the previous versions and the look of the hardware of both Nothing Phones is almost identical.