[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Samsung Galaxy S II I9100 (i9100) for /e/OS-T

Samsung Galaxy S II I9100 (i9100) for /e/OS-T 2.3


Please see sources and install instructions including recovery here:

Use it at your own risk!
Please support the developer(s)!


Hi@all! For me works fine this rom without Gapps on this old phone. Is there a patched Magisk for this rom and why are here no discussions about this rom? Btw, thanks a lot for your support!

There was some discussion on a different thread

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Hi @DevisG, welcome to this forum.

You need to patch the provided boot.img yourself using the magisk app (available on F-droid) if you want to use magisk features

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Ok I need to find out the procedure of patching boot.img in Magisk. But how about this from rINanDO: “How to apply Magisk-kernel on top of LineageOS 20.0
Normally you flash the Magisk.zip or install it with using the MagiskManager app. But our device is ancient and uses a deprecated partition/boot procedure. Magisk needs to update the ramdisk-image but that is integrated into the kernel-image (zImage). Therefore I created this seperate kernel-image (zImage-file) with the Magisk modified ramdisk-image.”

Follow official Installation | Magisk instructions :

Now take the newly patched-boot.img and flash it to your device using TWRP, or Heimdall, or Odin

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Up and running !
thanks again @ronnz98 !!

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