At the moment I got very little spare time. I’m working 6 days a week nowadays.
When I find the time I will build a fresh one.
My latest build is
Here is a fresh build…
Be safe and make a backup first. This is an untested build.
Hi @itsclarence ,
I installed this build about 48 hours ago and, up until today, I hadn’t used the phone as it’s currently my backup.
When I opened it this morning it had an alert in the top right of the screen, a circular popup much like ‘Heads’ in facebook messenger which, of course, I no longer use.
This was a link to a Porn site with a lovely girl called Bella wanting to hook up! In short, this was a hijacker of some kind which is not as a result of anything I have done because, as I say, I installed the update, checked it worked and then set about putting a new battery in the phone (again)
So, I have deleted the download, reinstalled my previous backup and am downloading a fresh copy of this file.
I will report back after installing it again.
Thanks a lot @itsclarence for this new build, I have just installed and did not observe any issue.
Has there been some work on the issue reported in December 2020 about bootloop when trying to encrypt the phone partition ? (I am not willing to test and have to reinstall if there is no chance that it could be fixed )
Best Regards
Hi @itsclarence, I was finally able to install the latest build.
It’s a friend I don’t see often who owns the galaxy s6 edge.
According to our tests, everything seems to work well.
So my friend is using the smartphone with your build since yesterday and he will give me feedback if he finds any problem.
Do you have an update planned ?
Thanks for your work.
Hello dear community,
with the help of another user I managed to compile a current 1.7-q build for zeroltexx and zeroltecan.
If you are interested, you can download the builds below.
Unfortunately still without SELinux enforcing. But the SELinux enforcement is then the next step I will work on.
The current builds I have created so far can be downloaded here:
for Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge devices:
for zeroltexx: S6 Edge
sha256sum 1fcddea12a143df46ceace137c821cd4efdb07876ae49cdfb12e5c03f1f353ce
for zeroltecan: S6 Edge
sha256sum 19e364347f911692164d39c1f2428564cd002fdeebadb9249935dbbc12749f03
Is there any news on the implementation of the SELinux enforcing?
Thank you