[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Sony Xperia 5 III(pdx214) for /e/OS-T

Sony Xperia 5 III(pdx214) for /e/OS-T-1.17


Please see sources and install instructions including recovery here:
This device is officially supported by LineageOS

Use it at your own risk!
Please support the developer(s)!

decided to give the Xperia 5 III a try.
I am not able to finish the installation, the 2 main errors are:

  • Signature verification failed
  • recovery SPL 20240205, Target SPL 20231106 this is considered to be a downgrade

Unfortunately I can’t find an older recovery of lineage…
What can I do?
Thank u very much.

I made a current build, please try:


btw. This device will be soon officially supported!

Worked. Thank you very much.
Still getting the error 21 “Signature verification failed” but I guess it is normal, isn’t it?

Do you know if I can upgrade to the official release w/o factory setting the phone?

Yes should work via adb sideload… but as always make a backup

Worked like a charm, thx.