[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Sony Xperia X performance (dora) for /e/OS-R

Sony Xperia X performance (dora) for /e/OS-R-1.17


Please see sources and install instructions including recovery here:

Use it at your own risk!
Please support the developer(s)!

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Great work ronnz98 :+1:ROM boots and works smoothly so far without errors, I will report

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hello ronnz98, i found a recent LineageOS 20 build. LineageOS 19 build must already installed before update. Sources https://github.com/rik0612c/android_device_sony_dora/tree/lineage-20.
ROM builds I’ve tested https://sourceforge.net/projects/matsuhana3-roms/files/dora/
The LOS20 is pretty stable so far. No random reboots like LOS18

Well, I will need also
device_sony_tone-common lineage 20 and kernel_sony_msm8996-lineage-20.
Vendor data I can extract from the LOS20 ROM, however this does not work all the time

LOS 19 + 20 https://github.com/rik0612c/android_device_sony_tone-common
LOS 19 + 20 https://github.com/rik0612c/android_kernel_sony_msm8996

latest https://github.com/rik0612c/android_kernel_sony_msm8996/tree/20_test

Possibly also links to the vendor files?

These should be the vendor files
20 https://github.com/rik0612c/proprietary_vendor_sony/tree/lineage-20
19 https://github.com/rik0612c/proprietary_vendor_sony/tree/lineage-19.1

Dora S build was successful, you can try:


Even /e/OS-T build was successful, however since kernel was depict as test it might not work:


Great! Dirty flashed e-1.18-t over LOS20 without errors. Miss the material You dynamic color system in /e/OS

ok cool. Did you also test S version?

The S version also works!

hello ronnz98, is it possible to test a new 1.19 T build with these kernel sources?

Sorry could not build with this kernel source

Greetings. No problem. ik0612c has updated the kernel sources that you used in your previous eos t build. Would an update for testing be possible from you?

Update for /e/OS-T 1.20 using kernel source above:


thanks for your new build. unfortunately wpa2 does not work in this build. a new build with the previous
kernel would be the better choice.

Sorry, could not build with older kernel

OK. Flashed with fastboot e-1.18-t boot.img and WIFI/WPA2 works again.

Hi ronnz98, would it be possible to build a current /e/OS 2.0t version?