[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Testing first! Samsung Galaxy S 5 LTE (klte) for /e/OS-U

Samsung Galaxy S 5 LTE (klte) for /e/OS-U 2.6

Yes, you read correct. This is the first build for /e/OS-U using also LOS-21 sources.
I had a couple of issues setting up the environment to be able to build. So it might not boot or even eat you cat :wink:


Please see sources and install instructions including recovery here:

Use it at your own risk!
Please support the developer(s)!

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So this is the first picture of a non booting /e/OS-U 2.6 :crying_cat_face:

And here is one thing I really don’t like in recents builds, my TWRPget overwritten with /e recovery. Not happy about that!

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i think this is du to this :


Can you try again with todays build. I sorted out the remaining build issues.

No change, does not boot:

:triangular_flag_on_post: for this:

Can you try with lineage recovery please

Do you mean the above /e recovery? I have done that, too:

Not booting

Or do you want me to use: lineage-21.0-20240202-RECOVERY-klte.img

Yes please try LOS recovery. Take the latest one best

This one gives me errors and I can not install from storage:

Can you try to install LOS first and then eOS dirty update?

exactly! …give it a try

SF download is very slow right now, so did wipe everything on the device and flashed your latest T version again, just to double check:

So local update loaded the U version and did finish the update in TWRP, but /e still doesn’t boot.

Will give LOS recovery one last go now.

Same result as before LOS recovery is not working, at all.

I also did a:

adb sideload e-2.7-u-20250122-UNOFFICIAL-klte.zip

(which reminded me why I dislike it so much… it is soooo sloooow compared to ex/internal SD card updates)

So @ronnz98 end of road for me, for now

found this is xda forum:
btw - its not rom related but klte related:
if you have problems with twrp that won’t pass twrp logo, flash the oldest possible twrp and again flash newest. It solved problem. This problem occured after letting lineageos replace recovery, and than reflashing twrp.

Here is what I have done so far:

I went into the LineageOS recovery and enabled ADB.
I switched to fastboot mode.
I flashed the provided boot.img and recovery.
I performed a factory reset and wiped the cache.
I rebooted, and now the recovery shows version 21, but I can no longer boot my phone because, as mentioned before, I'm stuck in download mode every time I boot.

It’s okay. I’ve installed TWRP and push the .zip. It works very well ! Thank you

The only way to solve that was to install the first versions of twrp, delete all the partitions and install lineage os from there and then flash the latest version of twrp from the PC and that’s it, without any errors, no idea why that happens.


TWRP is never been my problem!
All recent /e rom just overwrite it, thats what I do not like!

What do think makes that post relevant exactly?

Here I have LOS 21 aka Android 14 running, incase you did not see that.
No problems with this one.

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ok, did not see. So adb sideload via recovery of the LOS14 of eOS does not work?

You mean „via recovery of the LOS14 & of eOS does not work?“
Flashing via side load only works with /e and TWRP.

LOS recovery throws those errors and at the adb you only get (you can not turn it on)

adb devices
List of devices attached
067e63ab        unauthorized

In total I gotyour U version installed 7× in different ways, but all 7 attempts ended with a non booting device sitting at the jumping /e •

First TWRP version of KLTE was twrp- - 2015-0314 at times of Android 4.4.2 (KitKat)

TWRP 3.1.1-0-klte 2017-09-23 WIPE > Advanced Wipe > Format Data
TWRP 3.7.0_9-0-klte 2022-10-16 INSTALL of …
e-2.7-u-20250123-UNOFFICIAL-klte by @ronnz98

The installation with TWRP is completed without an error message, but the /e/OS system only starts up to the animated e-logo. Nothing else happens for minutes.

The /eOS-U system cannot be used, but the /e/OS-U installation leaves a /e/OS-U-Recovery, which means - the /e/OS-U overwrites the pre-installed TWRP recovery. This is not cool!

A second attempt to install /e/OS-U without e-Recovery in /e/OS-U.zip was also successfully completed by TWRP-Recovery, but the end result is the same: /e/OS-U does not start, gets stuck in the installed e-Logo.