[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Testing! Samsung Galaxy S7 / S7 Edge / Note 7 for /e/OS-U

Samsung Galaxy S7 / S7 Edge / Note 7 for /e/OS-U 2.7

I used Ivan’s patches as well as some LOS-UL sources. Might or might not work…

Samsung Galaxy S7 (herolte)

Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge (hero2lte)

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 (gracerlte)

Please see sources and install instructions including recovery here:

Use it at your own risk!
Please support the developer(s)!

Before: e-2.6.3-s-20241217455357-official-herolte.zip
Before: recovery-e-2.6.3-s-20241217455357-official-herolte.img

Clean install
After: e-2.7-u-20250114-UNOFFICIAL-herolte (signed) by @ronnz98
Afrer: recovery e-2.7-u-20250114-UNOFFICIAL-herolte (= recovery.img)

According to Recovery e-2.7-u error-free installation, but e-system only boots up to the animated e-logo and stays there without any further reaction = does not work.

one is searching for path to userdata via adb oush / pull or via DD

it is something about dev/block/*/by-name/userdata

on my old s4mini (qualcomm) adresse must differ, also mine is older…



is not acurate to herolte device as msm is for qualcomm snapdragon based devices,
herolte is a samsung exynos based device


Grey, dear friend, is all theory,
And green the golden tree of life.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

In practice, Samsung Galaxy is not just Samsung Galaxy.

Galaxy S4 mini, released in 2013 with Android 4.2.2 (Jelly Bean), upgradeable to 4.4.2 (KitKat); SoC: Qualcomm MSM8930AB Snapdragon 400.

Galaxy S7, released in 2016 with Android 6.0 (Marshmallow), upgradable to Android 8.0 (Oreo), TouchWiz UI; SoC: Samsung Exynos 8890 Octa

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:ballot_box_with_check: Cross-check

:white_check_mark: works > e-2.7-t-20250113-UNOFFICIAL-herolte (signed) by @ronnz98
:white_check_mark: works > recovery-e-2.7-t-20250113-UNOFFICIAL-herolte (= recovery.img)

:white_check_mark: Works without any tinkering!

Can you try LOS recovery as you did for the S8?

Good idea, but the experiment fails!

I unstalled:

:white_check_mark: recovery.img from lineage-21.0-20240620-UNOFFICIAL-herolte.zip
:white_check_mark: lineage-21.0-20240620-UNOFFICIAL-herolte.zip by @Ivan_Meler


:heavy_multiplication_x: e-2.7-u-20250114-UNOFFICIAL-herolte (signed) by @ronnz98

According to Recovery LOS21.0 error-free installation, but e-system only boots up to the animated e-logo and stays there without any further reaction; no bootloop = does not work.

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S7 Edge SM-G935 (hero2lte) not working. Logo bootloop. :frowning:

Next try:


