[UNOFFICIAL BUILD] Xiaomi Mi Mix 3 (perseus)


Yes, Samsung DeX Station EE-MG950 comes standard with a fast charger EP-TA20E (USB A to Type-C cable) at 9 V with 1.67 A output (= 15.03 W), which is incomprehensible to me because the DeX Station officially requires 12V~2.1A = 25.2 W (see back of Dex). The EP-TA800 has sufficient 25 W, PD 3.0 PPS max. 25W. The Samsung EP-TA845 has more power than necessary with max. 45W (PD/PPS/PDO).

Well, officially the DeX Station EE-MG950 works with the Samsung Galaxy S8/S8+ unofficially also that of the Galaxy S9/9+ including HDMI Out, but - not with every Custom ROM(!).

Galaxy S8 + /e/OS-R + EP-TA800 + DeX Station EE-MG950 = HDMI Out works, though it does not display full screen.

All the more pleasing is that our beautiful Mi Mix 3 with /e/OS-R 1.8.1 and with wired LAN + USB of the DeX Station work fine. :blush:

The matching USB charging cable for the corresponding charger is also important. Not just any USB cable, especially the simple thin ones, are suitable.

1 Like

Hi Gianna, and thanks again for all the details :smiley_cat:
Although I did see the 12V requirement, i didn’t go that far with analysis!

I received the AP-TA800 last evening (did come with a cable, but don’t know the ref.).
Working fine, as expected :blush:
I’ll wait for the battery to fall down to 25%, then check if it will get as warm as the EP-TA20E…

I was successful with GitHub - Genymobile/scrcpy: Display and control your Android device over Ethernet. Interesting fact: TCP/IP ADB has to be enabled with Wi-FI, first :wink:

Hi !

New 1.9 Android 11 (R) build :smiley_cat:
Please unfold sections below for details.
Feedback welcome! :pray:


AndroidFileHost: e-1.9-r-20230317-UNOFFICIAL-perseus.zip | by smu44 for Mi Mix 3
Please check md5 after download!
JN share (180 days): Jaguar Network - Share
SHA256: d694953ca2139958b42b47aa4f16205a174e312a5784323032d74915d141a505
Please check sha256 after download!

What's inside

Release details: v1.9-r ¡ e / os / releases ¡ GitLab
Commits for this release: Commits ¡ v1.9-r ¡ e / os / releases ¡ GitLab
Everything (including BT, NFC, GPS, camera) tested working, unless proven otherwise :wink:

  • please verify that you have the latest firmware installed, also working with China V12.5.1.0.QEECNXM
  • if you have previous /e/ installed (any 11/R release), just flash it over as usual. Don’t forget to wipe cache+Dalvik
  • to clean flash over another ROM (you will lose your data !) :
    • (install +) boot to TWRP (tested OK with 3.6.2_9.0)
    • wipe cache + Dalvik + System
    • format Data
    • adb push zip file to /sdcard
    • install with TWRP
    • enjoy :smiley_cat:
  • NB : if you applied the 4th button fix, you’ll have to apply it again

Built with /e/ Docker image, using the followings:

  • script (you may adjust Xmx :wink: ):
docker pull registry.gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/docker-lineage-cicd:community
docker run \
-v "/srv/src:/srv/src" \
-v "/srv/zips:/srv/zips" \
-v "/srv/logs:/srv/logs" \
-v "/srv/ccache:/srv/ccache" \
-v "/srv/mirror:/srv/mirror" \
-v "/srv/local_manifests:/srv/local_manifests" \
-e "BRANCH_NAME=v1.9-r" \
-e "DEVICE_LIST=perseus" \
-e "REPO=https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases.git" \
-e "ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx32G" \
  • roomservice manifest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project name="LineageOS/android_kernel_xiaomi_sdm845" path="kernel/xiaomi/sdm845" remote="github" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_xiaomi" path="hardware/xiaomi" remote="github" />
  • patches (after first repo sync):
    • device/xiaomi/perseus/BoardConfig.mk:
      • add BUILD_BROKEN_DUP_RULES := true just after DEVICE_PATH := device/xiaomi/perseus
    • device/xiaomi/sdm845-common/pocketmode/Android.mk:
      • comment out LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS := true
    • Camera fix (from ArrowOS #10895 & #10896):
      • delete device/lineage/sepolicy/common/dynamic/property_contexts and device/lineage/sepolicy/common/vendor/property_contexts
      • in device/qcom/sepolicy/qva/private/property_contexts, add vendor.camera.aux.packagelist u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0 just before
        persist.vendor.camera.privapp.list u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0
    • Camera missing files in LineageOS repository (from GitHub - josevega96/android_vendor_xiaomi_perseus):
      • download vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/etc/camera/megviifacepp_0_5_2_model, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libmegface.so, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libMegviiFacepp-0.5.2.so (don’t forget to chown/chmod if needed)
1 Like

Hi @smu44, fantastic! Thank you very much. Meanwhile your /e/OS ROM is running on three ‘perseus’ within my circle of friends.

1 Like

Thanks @anon29344687 for your feedback :smiley_cat:

Hi !

New 1.10 Android 11 (R) build :smiley_cat:
Please unfold sections below for details.
Feedback welcome! :pray:


AndroidFileHost: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=10620683726822049063
Please check md5 after download!
JN share (180 days): https://share.jaguar-network.com/8a2c31fa-5e17-4db9-86bb-a1b1eeb0a1a4
SHA256: 1e06b23e4fb34ef772da7658c95c12e1ea80e9c1a449b2d6d1e95fcdfb3efdf5
Please check sha256 after download!

What's inside

Release details: https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases/-/releases/v1.10-s (sorry, no release notes for R)
Commits for this release: https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases/-/commits/v1.10-r
Everything (including BT, NFC, GPS, camera) tested working, unless proven otherwise :wink:

  • please verify that you have the latest firmware installed, also working with China V12.5.1.0.QEECNXM
  • if you have previous /e/ installed (any 11/R release), just flash it over as usual. Don’t forget to wipe cache+Dalvik
  • to clean flash over another ROM (you will lose your data !) :
    • (install +) boot to TWRP (tested OK with 3.6.2_9.0)
    • wipe cache + Dalvik + System
    • format Data
    • adb push zip file to /sdcard
    • install with TWRP
    • enjoy :smiley_cat:
  • NB : if you applied the 4th button fix, you’ll have to apply it again

Built with /e/ Docker image, using the followings:

  • script (you may adjust Xmx :wink: ):
docker pull registry.gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/docker-lineage-cicd:community
docker run \
-v "/srv/src:/srv/src" \
-v "/srv/zips:/srv/zips" \
-v "/srv/logs:/srv/logs" \
-v "/srv/ccache:/srv/ccache" \
-v "/srv/mirror:/srv/mirror" \
-v "/srv/local_manifests:/srv/local_manifests" \
-e "BRANCH_NAME=v1.10-r" \
-e "DEVICE_LIST=perseus" \
-e "REPO=https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases.git" \
-e "ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx32G" \
  • roomservice manifest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project name="LineageOS/android_kernel_xiaomi_sdm845" path="kernel/xiaomi/sdm845" remote="github" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_xiaomi" path="hardware/xiaomi" remote="github" />
  • patches (after first repo sync):
    • device/xiaomi/perseus/BoardConfig.mk:
      • add BUILD_BROKEN_DUP_RULES := true just after DEVICE_PATH := device/xiaomi/perseus
    • device/xiaomi/sdm845-common/pocketmode/Android.mk:
      • comment out LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS := true
    • Camera fix (from ArrowOS #10895 & #10896):
      • delete device/lineage/sepolicy/common/dynamic/property_contexts and device/lineage/sepolicy/common/vendor/property_contexts
      • in device/qcom/sepolicy/qva/private/property_contexts, add vendor.camera.aux.packagelist u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0 just before
        persist.vendor.camera.privapp.list u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0
    • Camera missing files in LineageOS repository (from GitHub - josevega96/android_vendor_xiaomi_perseus):
      • download vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/etc/camera/megviifacepp_0_5_2_model, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libmegface.so, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libMegviiFacepp-0.5.2.so (don’t forget to chown/chmod if needed)

Hi @smu44, my user friends and I say thank you for your new build :bangbang:

All of you are very welcome :smiley_cat:

/e/ 1.10 Android 12 (S) build in progress…
Looking forward if camera will work OOTB!

Didn’t go well, will retry later…

Hi !

New 1.11 Android 11 (R) build :smiley_cat:
Please unfold sections below for details.
Feedback welcome! :pray:


AndroidFileHost: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=4279422670115729131
Please check md5 after download!
JN share (180 days): https://share.jaguar-network.com/57ac0914-0804-4b8b-bc8b-13cf98a83f81
SHA256: 7010298facc39c563b286a0ac11d9b68e8d113879868ae2fa2f51cc2ea26f622
Please check sha256 after download!

What's inside

Release details: https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases/-/releases/v1.11-r
Commits for this release: https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases/-/commits/v1.1.1-r
Everything (including BT, NFC, GPS, camera) tested working, unless proven otherwise :wink:

  • please verify that you have the latest firmware installed, also working with China V12.5.1.0.QEECNXM
  • if you have previous /e/ installed (any 11/R release), just flash it over as usual. Don’t forget to wipe cache+Dalvik
  • to clean flash over another ROM (you will lose your data !) :
    • (install +) boot to TWRP (tested OK with 3.6.2_9.0)
    • wipe cache + Dalvik + System
    • format Data
    • adb push zip file to /sdcard
    • install with TWRP
    • enjoy :smiley_cat:
  • NB : if you applied the 4th button fix, you’ll have to apply it again

Built with /e/ Docker image, using the followings:

  • script (you may adjust Xmx :wink: ):
docker pull registry.gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/docker-lineage-cicd:community
docker run \
-v "/srv/src:/srv/src" \
-v "/srv/zips:/srv/zips" \
-v "/srv/logs:/srv/logs" \
-v "/srv/ccache:/srv/ccache" \
-v "/srv/mirror:/srv/mirror" \
-v "/srv/local_manifests:/srv/local_manifests" \
-e "BRANCH_NAME=v1.11-r" \
-e "DEVICE_LIST=perseus" \
-e "REPO=https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases.git" \
-e "ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx32G" \
  • roomservice manifest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project name="LineageOS/android_kernel_xiaomi_sdm845" path="kernel/xiaomi/sdm845" remote="github" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_xiaomi" path="hardware/xiaomi" remote="github" />
  • patches (after first repo sync):
    • device/xiaomi/perseus/BoardConfig.mk:
      • add BUILD_BROKEN_DUP_RULES := true just after DEVICE_PATH := device/xiaomi/perseus
    • device/xiaomi/sdm845-common/pocketmode/Android.mk:
      • comment out LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS := true
    • Camera fix (from ArrowOS #10895 & #10896):
      • delete device/lineage/sepolicy/common/dynamic/property_contexts and device/lineage/sepolicy/common/vendor/property_contexts
      • in device/qcom/sepolicy/qva/private/property_contexts, add vendor.camera.aux.packagelist u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0 just before
        persist.vendor.camera.privapp.list u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0
    • Camera missing files in LineageOS repository (from GitHub - josevega96/android_vendor_xiaomi_perseus):
      • download vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/etc/camera/megviifacepp_0_5_2_model, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libmegface.so, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libMegviiFacepp-0.5.2.so (don’t forget to chown/chmod if needed)

Hi !

New 1.13 Android 11 (R) build :smiley_cat:
Sorry, I skipped the 1.12 release.
Please unfold sections below for details.
Feedback welcome! :pray:


AndroidFileHost: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=10620683726822069918
JN share (180 days): https://share.jaguar-network.com/6498c64d-25f5-49f8-946d-d83ae9a1a4c3

SHA256: 3184f0bd2af37acdff6926d12e103e000f05929140be0cadca9aac6b3ee2e713
MD5: 0b7b01cc3e1f3176e8325f0bae1a70b5

:warning: Please check md5 or sha256 after download!

What's inside

Release details: https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases/-/releases/v1.13-r
Commits for this release: https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases/-/commits/v1.13-r
(previous, skipped, release: https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases/-/releases/v1.12.3-r and https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases/-/commits/v1.12-r).

Everything (including BT, NFC, GPS, camera) tested working, unless proven otherwise :wink:

  • please verify that you have the latest firmware installed, also working with China V12.5.1.0.QEECNXM
  • if you have previous /e/ installed (any 11/R release), just flash it over as usual. Don’t forget to wipe cache+Dalvik
  • to clean flash over another ROM (you will lose your data !) :
    • (install +) boot to TWRP (tested OK with 3.6.2_9.0)
    • wipe cache + Dalvik + System
    • format Data
    • adb push zip file to /sdcard
    • install with TWRP
    • enjoy :smiley_cat:
  • NB : if you applied the 4th button fix, you’ll have to apply it again

Built with /e/ Docker image, using the followings:

  • script (you may adjust Xmx :wink: ):
docker pull registry.gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/docker-lineage-cicd:community
docker run \
-v "/srv/src:/srv/src" \
-v "/srv/zips:/srv/zips" \
-v "/srv/logs:/srv/logs" \
-v "/srv/ccache:/srv/ccache" \
-v "/srv/mirror:/srv/mirror" \
-v "/srv/local_manifests:/srv/local_manifests" \
-e "BRANCH_NAME=v1.13-r" \
-e "DEVICE_LIST=perseus" \
-e "REPO=https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases.git" \
-e "ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx32G" \
  • roomservice manifest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project name="LineageOS/android_kernel_xiaomi_sdm845" path="kernel/xiaomi/sdm845" remote="github" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_xiaomi" path="hardware/xiaomi" remote="github" />
  • patches (after first repo sync):
    • device/xiaomi/perseus/BoardConfig.mk:
      • add BUILD_BROKEN_DUP_RULES := true just after DEVICE_PATH := device/xiaomi/perseus
    • device/xiaomi/sdm845-common/pocketmode/Android.mk:
      • comment out LOCAL_PRIVATE_PLATFORM_APIS := true
    • Camera fix (from ArrowOS #10895 & #10896):
      • delete device/lineage/sepolicy/common/dynamic/property_contexts and device/lineage/sepolicy/common/vendor/property_contexts
      • in device/qcom/sepolicy/qva/private/property_contexts, add vendor.camera.aux.packagelist u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0 just before
        persist.vendor.camera.privapp.list u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0
    • Camera missing files in LineageOS repository (from GitHub - josevega96/android_vendor_xiaomi_perseus):
      • download vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/etc/camera/megviifacepp_0_5_2_model, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libmegface.so, vendor/xiaomi/perseus/proprietary/vendor/lib/libMegviiFacepp-0.5.2.so (don’t forget to chown/chmod if needed)

@smu44, please new 1.15 Android 11 (R) build?!

It was under testing, but I ran out of free time :confused:
:warning: I noticed a lack of sound when recording videos, but I’m not sure if it’s not just my device …
:warning: I couldn’t test radio (no SIM available at this time)

@anon29344687 here you are: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=10620683726822081270
SHA256: 76ca7c928b7462af2bd0ccda7b06607c5b2c4a01551caece771460ce8a4c9836
Previous build & install method apply.

1 Like

@smu44, I made an update from V1.12 to V1.15 via adb sideload.

:white_check_mark: In my video test recording, the sound was recorded and given back without interruptions.

:white_check_mark: 4G LTE works (incoming and outgoing calls).

1 Like

Thanks @anon29344687 for your testings and feedback!

Teaser :smiley_cat:

First class, @smu44 :heavy_heart_exclamation: Let action (ROM) follow, please.

Hi !

New 1.15 Android 13 (T) build! :tada:

Please unfold sections below for details.
Feedback welcome! :pray:


AndroidFileHost: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=10620683726822084244
JN share (180 days): https://share.jaguar-network.com/e9dd84c5-0189-4632-80f0-747d8f6e927d

SHA256: 37e78a82ebb89ef076b27507f0152f6586a172d08f64d03711938a1ac3f5d3fb
MD5: dd8903a3b384b80ba9863cda703fd878

:warning: Please check md5 or sha256 after download!

What's inside

Release details: https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases/-/releases/v1.15-t
Commits for this release: https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases/-/commits/v1.15-t

Everything (including BT, NFC, GPS, camera) tested working, unless proven otherwise :wink:

  • please verify that you have at least the V12.0.3.0.QEECNXM firmware installed, also working with V12.5.1.0.QEECNXM
  • if you have previous /e/ installed (any 11/R release), just flash it over as usual. Don’t forget to take full backups before flashing and wipe cache+Dalvik after flashing
    • :white_check_mark: I could upgrade “in place” from /e/OS 1.15R with user encryption enabled :partying_face:
  • to clean flash over another ROM (you will lose your data !) :
    • (install +) boot to TWRP (tested OK with 3.6.2_9.0)
    • wipe cache + Dalvik + system + system_ext + vendor
    • format Data
    • adb push zip file to /sdcard
    • install with TWRP
    • enjoy :smiley_cat:
  • NB : if you applied the 4th button fix, you’ll have to apply it again

Built using /e/ Docker image, with:

  • -v "/srv/local_manifests:/srv/local_manifests"
  • -e "BRANCH_NAME=v1.15-t"
  • -e "DEVICE_LIST=perseus"

Custom manifest in /srv/local_manifests:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project name="LineageOS/android_kernel_xiaomi_sdm845" path="kernel/xiaomi/sdm845" remote="github" revision="lineage-20" clone-depth="1" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_xiaomi" path="hardware/xiaomi" remote="github" revision="lineage-20" clone-depth="1" />
  <project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_xiaomi_perseus" path="vendor/xiaomi/perseus" revision="lineage-20" clone-depth="1" />

:sparkles: Muppets are back in Github (I made a backup clone).

No patches anymore!

1 Like

Hi !

New 1.16 Android 13 (T) build!

Please unfold sections below for details.
Feedback welcome! :pray:


AndroidFileHost: https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=16385555061192789586

SHA256: e1fabf738d7f6771efc45801610319b31c16d5d3bef9cd5a2dfd45c7ac09ef28
MD5: 435d19ff794c53a398972e4a6dd1d657

:warning: Please check md5 or sha256 after download!

What's inside

Release details: https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases/-/releases/v1.16-t
Commits for this release: https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases/-/commits/v1.16-t

Everything (including BT, NFC, GPS, camera) tested working, unless proven otherwise :wink:

  • please verify that you have at least the V12.0.3.0.QEECNXM firmware installed, also working with V12.5.1.0.QEECNXM
  • if you have previous /e/ installed (any 12/T /e/OS release), just flash it over as usual. Don’t forget to take full backups before flashing and wipe cache+Dalvik after flashing
    • :warning: I couldn’t decrypt Data partition with TWRP anymore. Update has to be done from SD-Card or OTG USB (should also work with sideload, untested here).
  • to clean flash over another ROM (you will lose your data !) :
    • (install +) boot to TWRP (tested OK with 3.6.2_9.0)
    • wipe cache + Dalvik + system + system_ext + vendor
    • format Data
    • adb push zip file to /sdcard
    • install with TWRP
    • enjoy :smiley_cat:
  • NB : if you applied the 4th button fix, you’ll have to apply it again

Built using /e/ Docker image, with:

  • -v "/srv/local_manifests:/srv/local_manifests"
  • -e "BRANCH_NAME=v1.16-t"
  • -e "DEVICE_LIST=perseus"

Custom manifest in /srv/local_manifests:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project name="LineageOS/android_device_xiaomi_perseus" path="device/xiaomi/perseus" remote="github" revision="lineage-20" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_device_xiaomi_sdm845-common" path="device/xiaomi/sdm845-common" remote="github" revision="lineage-20" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_kernel_xiaomi_sdm845" path="kernel/xiaomi/sdm845" remote="github" revision="lineage-20" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_xiaomi" path="hardware/xiaomi" remote="github" revision="lineage-20" />
  <project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_xiaomi_perseus" path="vendor/xiaomi/perseus" revision="lineage-20" />

Hi !

New 1.17 Android 13 (T) build!

Please unfold sections below for details.
Feedback welcome! :pray:


AndroidFileHost: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=16385555061192797302

SHA256: 2c9aab398fe21765b52a3c48ad8713c5f011d62e93ccdc2ee57b7e6f35e8d5dd
MD5: 5d5bb5f3787fecb4cfa814cbb8272d96

:warning: Please check md5 or sha256 after download!

What's inside

Release details: https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases/-/releases/v1.17-t
Commits for this release: https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/os/releases/-/commits/v1.17-t

Everything (including BT, NFC, GPS, camera) tested working, unless proven otherwise :wink:

  • please verify that you have at least the V12.0.3.0.QEECNXM firmware installed, also working with V12.5.1.0.QEECNXM
  • if you have previous /e/ installed (any 12/T /e/OS release), just flash it over as usual. Don’t forget to take full backups before flashing and wipe cache+Dalvik after flashing
    • :warning: I couldn’t decrypt Data partition with TWRP anymore. Update has to be done from SD-Card, OTG USB or ADB sideload.
  • to clean flash over another ROM (you will lose your data !) :
    • (install +) boot to TWRP (tested OK with 3.6.2_9.0)
    • wipe cache + Dalvik + system + system_ext + vendor
    • format Data
    • adb push zip file to /sdcard
    • install with TWRP
    • enjoy :smiley_cat:
  • NB : if you applied the 4th button fix, you’ll have to apply it again

Built using /e/ Docker image, with:

  • -v "/srv/local_manifests:/srv/local_manifests"
  • -e "BRANCH_NAME=v1.17-t"
  • -e "DEVICE_LIST=perseus"

Custom manifest in /srv/local_manifests:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project name="LineageOS/android_device_xiaomi_perseus" path="device/xiaomi/perseus" remote="github" revision="lineage-20" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_device_xiaomi_sdm845-common" path="device/xiaomi/sdm845-common" remote="github" revision="lineage-20" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_kernel_xiaomi_sdm845" path="kernel/xiaomi/sdm845" remote="github" revision="lineage-20" />
  <project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_xiaomi" path="hardware/xiaomi" remote="github" revision="lineage-20" />