[UNOFFICIAL BUILDS] Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 LTE (gts3llte, SM-T825)] / Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 WiFi (gts3lwifi, SM-T820)] for eOS-T


First of all, I installed e-Recovery T V1.17. The Tab S3 does not boot into e-Recovery, but back into Samsung download mode.

Now I installed TWRP Recovery 3.6.0_9, which worked right away. After formatting, I installed @ronnz98’s e-1.17-t-20231202-UNOFFICIAL-gts3llte.zip via TWRP from the USB stick, which went without errors, but - the subsequent reboot into the system failed. The system reboots into Samsung download mode.

Update N° 1
I installed TWRP 3.6.0_9 again, than lineage-19.1-20231115-UNOFFICIAL-gts3llte.zip by @ Awesometic which went off without a hitch. gts3llte LOS system booted correctly.

Update N° 2

I installed TWRP 3.7.0_9 again, than lineage-20.0-20231116-UNOFFICIAL-gts3llte.zip by @ Awesometic which went off without a hitch. gts3llte LOS system booted correctly, but @Awesometic’s ROM has a serious flaw = 4G LTE does not work!

# What’s not working by @Awesometic

  • LTE (SM-T825)
  • SELinux permissive
  • Data encryption
    • FDE deprecated since Android 13
    • FBE unsupported

Hey @ronnz98 can you please create current builds /e/ T V.1.18. Thank you.



From the running system lineage-20.0-20231116-UNOFFICIAL-gts3llte.zip by @Awesometic I installed via TWRP 3.7.0_9 as ‘Clean install’ @ronnz98’s ROM e-1.18-t-20231216-UNOFFICIAL-gts3llte.zip

Bug report

The reboot ends in Samsung download mode “Downlading … Do not turn off target”

As a second attempt, I installed the e-Recovery T-v.1.18 with the help of TWRP 3.7.0_9. The reboot also ends up in Samsung download mode. TWRP is now no longer on the system; neither is e-Recovery. A manual start in a recovery now lands immediately in Samsung download mode.

Additional note:
I installed TWRP 3.7.0_9 and lineage-18.1-20231115-UNOFFICIAL-gts3llte by @Awesometic without any complications. Everything works: 4G LTE, USB-C OTG … This is a good example of how higher OS versions don’t always provide a better user experience.

Nonetheless, thank you for your time :sunglasses:@ronnz98

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The /e/OS-R version for the gts3llte works also fine (I own the device myself).
Though I like Android R still most of all Android versions, end of live of R will be reached in about a year. Android T has support for 3 more years at least…

Yes, I will now install your latest /e/OS-R build. Who knows what will happen in a year’s time …

Update for /e/OS-T 1.19:



:sos: does not work for me e-1.19.1-t-20240114-UNOFFICIAL-gts3lwifi.zip

:sos: does not work for me /e/ recovery.img ~ e-1.19.1-t-20240114-UNOFFICIAL-gts3lwifi

e-Recovery by @ronzzz98
My installation did not boot, but ended in Samsung download mode.

/e/ ROM by @ronzzz98
/e/OS e-1.19.1-t-20240114-UNOFFICIAL-gts3lwifi
My installation did not boot, but ended in Samsung download mode

Side note:
lineage-20.0-20231116-UNOFFICIAL-gts3lwifi by @Awesometic works as described by him on XDA

Update for /e/OS-T 1.21:



The MAC: 00-a0-c6-eb-5c-d8 address is displayed unchanged.

Update for /e/OS-T 2.2
This time with patches applied (thanks to Awesometic!)



I did a dirty flash on my Tab 3 WIFI over R version and it boots! First impression is good…but I did not test yet fully

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Did a clean flash, and it successfully booted without any problems! thanks for your great work.

What patch did you apply to make it boot (for 2.2 build)? I’m also interested in building roms, but whenever i build roms, Android 12L builds are stuck at samsung logo (and just reboots again), and Android 13 builds boot to Download mode, like @Xxpsilon experienced with your 1.18-t build…

it would be great if you can share what patches you applied. thanks :slight_smile:

I talked recently with the developer and he guided me to these patches (which I do also use for my S7 and S8 unofficial builds)

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I’m not a fan of quick & dirty flashing, especially when it’s a big version jump like here from /e/OS-R to /e/OS-T. That’s why I did a clean reinstallation in each case, but still only looked at the ROMs very briefly.

e-2.2-t-20240804-UNOFFICIAL-gts3llte + e-2.2-t-20240804-UNOFFICIAL-gts3lwifi

:white_check_mark: WLAN / Wi-Fi works
:white_check_mark: Parental Control available
:white_check_mark: Internal Local update works and makes a manual update without a host PC very eas

:x: MAC adress: 00-a0-c6-eb-5c-d8 problem still unsolved as it has been for many months…
One and the same (= identical) MAC address: 00-a0-c6-eb-5c-d8 on two different SM-T820 + SM-T825 devices. This means that one and the same MAC address is used on all devices.


:x: IMEI lost after flashing e-2.2-t-20240804-UNOFFICIAL-gts3llte by @ronnz98.
The problem is new with CustomROMs from @ronnz98, but has not been unknown recently.

After I installed the old version lineage-17.1-20200211-gts3llte by @Valera1978, the IMEI is available again and everything works.

imei unavailable bug is also present in LineageOS 20 and 21, so i guess its not related to rom itself… maybe kernel problem?

Test build…I tried something, might not even boot though. If not working please try latest S 2.2 version


After a successful clean install,

:x: IMEI unknown as here
:x: MAC adress: 00-a0-c6-eb-5c-d8 problem …
:white_check_mark: WLAN / Wi-Fi, Parental Control, Local update works

Updates for /e/OS-T 2.3:



LTE does not work! Please use R or S version if you need LTE.

Successful clean install …

Device Wi-Fi MAC adress: 00:a0:c6:5c:d8

The /e/ BlissLauncher 3.0.1-beta runs, with all its known weaknesses, for example landscape display.

The internal Local update option integrated in /e/OS-T is user-friendly. Apart from that, I don’t see any advantages over your /e/OS-S 2.3 version