Hello, i write here cause I don’t see this update in OTA : e-0.5-o-201902163305-dev-whyred.zip
but only on /e/ website for my whyred
I can’t find any guide to update properly manually with TWRP . can I flash over 0.2 ? Is there some data to wipe after flashing last ROM ? Is it mandatory to remove the device password ?
That is strange that it is not showing up on your updater. The manual flash would be the same way as mentioned on wiki for the previous version. Take a backup so that you do not miss out any important data. The flash method is not different.
Not sure if it is possible on the wyred but if you can side-load the ROM through TWRP you can avoid deleting the existing data. We had tested that for the mia1 and there is a page on wiki https://gitlab.e.foundation/e/wiki/en/wikis/fix-ota-issue-tissot which described the process for side-loading.
Sideload is for A/B partition system ? Mi A1 Tissot is like this, but I think redmi note 5 is not A/B and I m not sure if sideload deal with that. So i fear to force to enable sideload
I had the same issue. Try to reboot your phone and make sure you have installed the latest /e/ 0.2 build by checkin in the system updates menu. If not do it. Only after that the 0.5 show itself on my phone. Hope it help!
@willysama thanks ! With tour help it solve the issue, updating to latest 0.2 it allowed me to see the 0.5 buy another issue occur, /e/ drive lack of space at the exact moment I login /e/ under 0.5 , all documents and photos automatically synced and other satured my /e/ drive account. Can I setup a next cloud on my raspberry pi running rasbian desktop ?
You are welcome. I think about getting a raspberry on my own, to install nextcloud on it too. I think it’s possible since I’ve found this on their official website: https://ownyourbits.com/nextcloudpi/#supported_systems
then i’ve fallow the setup wiazrd whitch format and mount the usb drive in one clic, then it can forward port with UPnP but it fail with my router, i’m working to solve this,
Обычно для обновления через TWRP вручную, потребуется скаченный ROM, для
меня это (e-0.5-o-201903063947-dev-whyred.zip). Кладёте его в память телефона.
Далее 1:выключаете телефон 2: включаете телефон заходя в TWRP 3: В TWRP
разрешаете изменения (свайп в право) 4: очистка далее выборочная очистка wipe
ставите галочки: Dalvik/ART Cache и Cache выполняете (свай п в право) 5: без
перезагрузки идёте назад выбираете установка и выбираете свой скаченный файл
ROM (.zip) и устанавливаете его. После перезагружаетесь.
Usually, to update via TWRP manually, you will need a downloaded ROM to
me it is (e-0.5-o-201903063947-dev-whyred.zip). Put it in your phone’s memory.
Next 1: turn off the phone 2: turn on the phone going to TWRP 3: TWRP
allow changes (swipe to right) 4: cleaning next selective cleaning wipe
put a tick: Dalvik / ART Cache and Cache perform (swipe to the right) 5:
reboot go back choose installation and choose your downloaded file
ROM (.zip) and install it. After reboot.