Using my own Nextcloud instance instead of Murenacloud

I want to give /e/OS a second chance :wink: Now on a Fairphone 5, before Fairphone 4.
I have just installed /e/OS and, yes, it works.
But I would like to use my existing own Nextcloud instance. Therefore I am logged in with my own account. And wonderful, e.g. my contacts and photos are now synced.

But how can I access additional files and folders of my Nextcloud instance? Do I have to install “additionally” the Nextcloud app?

thanks a lot!

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You can add your NC as WebDAV in settings → accounts → add account → WebDAV

If you run your own NC and keep it on latest, I’d say go with the NC app, as murena tends to be much slower, with updates and upgrades.

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I would recommend the NextCloud app (and the NextCloud Notes app) even if you’re using the Murena instance. I would also use the DAVx5 and ICSx5 for Calendar and Contacts sync. The /e/ forks of these apps - like most unnecessary forks - don’t add any value, only delays and occasional new bugs.

Kinda same answer, just with bit more punch :wink:

I second all the above apps, as I use all of them, too and have them running on many devices.

One more thing, start looking into app passwords, good practice and you get QRs, which makes configuring NC app a breeze!

Wrote about it here:

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I have added my NC account as suggestion here over and I can find it also in the stock file browser app (

Yes, that is expected behaviour, to show up there.
And for simplicity and typical day to day usage it’s all you need – enjoy!

You mean to remove the two address book accounts (green highlighted in the screenshot) and replace them with the DAVx5/ICSx5 apps?

And what happens if I remove the “” account (which contains my own Nextcloud instance)? I installed the Nextcloud app (as you can see) and therefore have two accounts with the same settings/data…

Thanks a lot!

Sorry, I don’t use the /e/ Account manager. What you need to do is disable Contacts and Calendar sync in this account. I think if you click on each account, you should be able to disable sync. I don’t think you should delete them. But someone who knows the /e/OS UI better than me can confirm.

When you add your account on your NextCloud instance in DAVx5, and enable Calendar and Contacts sync, they will appear in this page as DAVx5 accounts, alongside the NextCloud accounts (even though they all work with the same NextCloud instance. I hope that helps

I’ve just added my NC account as Murena account by specifying my NC server and that’s it.

Does that solve he question asked in the first post?

… and I found it in my preferred file manager app Total Commander :slight_smile: (using it although on Desktop-PC):

Several steps for using only the Nextcloud account – and one question …

- Now I have disabled all options in the account “” in which my own Nextcloud instance is stored (during or just after the installation of /e/OS):

- Only this synchronisation element is now available in the Nextcloud account:

| |

- And I installed DAVx5 as described here: Nextcloud

But once again: do I need the account “” anymore?
If I would remove it, this message appears:

And now? … no further screenshot follow :wink:

I think that you may need it for email, but I’m not sure as I don’t use /e/'s Email app. Someone else here may know more

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