The highlight of the week would be
Releasing builds for devices that have not received v0.15
The list of devices for which we were not able to release v0.15 was
Nougat -
This week we start testing for v0.16
List of issues resolved or fixes coming in this build can be seen here
One issue noted was some devices especially the Essential mata , FP3 and the s2 were not automatically booting. On the s2 I had to manually run the install using TWRP file manager. Team is looking into this issue and reports it has a fix.
We should be releasing a test build to check out if the fix works. This fix would impact all of the Q builds
An issue on Moto X lux bootlooping while upgrading to Q builds was reported here . On my request he flashed latest Lineage build which also went into a boot loop. Have shared the findings to the build team who are investigating
Will update on the issues that come up during the testing.
An issue was raised a few days back reg a message that would pop on the a3xelte , a5xelte and the s5neolte -
There is an internal problem with your device. Pl contact your manufacturer'
The developer has asked users getting this message to run the below command on their PC with adb enabled and connected to the phone .Pl share the output to this issues comments
adb shell
getprop | grep fingerprint
getprop | grep description
April 3 Update
Not much to update this week. The build team is still working on resolving issues with boot-loop on multiple devices especially Q builds.
The v0.16 testing on devices other than Q continues. No issues detected other than the booting issue.
April 05 Update
The bootloop issue in the test builds seems to have been resolved. Got a positive update from testers on the Essential mata PH1 and FP3 trying out the latest test build
Today being a holiday in France expect slight delays to responses from the team
This thread will be updated during the week
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