I have a strange problem with wifi calling.
/e/OS 0.20-20211215151800 Android 10 Motorola XT1965-T
/e/OS 0.20-20211216151963 Android 9 Le X522
Both phones have the wifi calling option, and I am using T-mobile network using Red Pocket MVO in the U.S.(which worked fine on my Googled XT1965-T.)
Both phones give me the same error:
“Mobile Network is not available. Connect to a wireless network to make a call.”
I also tried using wifi calling on Red Pocket MVO on ATT network, but neither gave me the wifi calling option, nor did I have the option on my Googled XT1965-T phone.)
It didn’t work on the previous versions of /e/ either, but I didn’t have time to verify all of the settings like I did today.
Any help would be appreciated.
I have the same issue with a Fairphone3 on /e/OS 0.21-20220121158536
Is the development team reading this or would it be better to create an issue on Gitlab?
Unfortunately, I can’t create issues on Gitlab because Gitlab doesn’t accept my mail address.
I would like to add my device to the mix…exactly the same issue with a Sony Xperia XA2 Pioneer on the latest V1.0 build of R /e/OS 1.0-20220527188878
I have had e OS on this phone for several builds of the Q release and only recently updated to R.
WiFi calling has never worked and I was not all that worried as I have an EE signal box in my house so always have a signal if broadband is up. However, EE are shutting down the signal boxes and telling me to use WiFi calling instead!
I have gone through all the posts in the forum touching on this subject and this one is closest to my issue. The phone does not seem to be aware that it is connected t the WiFi network when placing calls as it asks me to connect to a network
Other than this, the R build works well.
Hello again,
I have tried three times to add my issue to this “project” on Gitlab and there is still no sign of it. I am obviously doing something wrong but I have no idea what.
I click on the “add an issue to this project” link under the other reports. I am given a special email address to send my issue to, I send the report I have placed above to that address and…it sends and never gets bounced back. However I do not see my report in the list when I go back days later?
Someone, somewhere is receiving multiple reports from me and I know how annoying that can be!
Anyone got any clues what I might be doing wrong?
If you were to read each open issue in the search, then decide if you want to add a comment to one issue. Adding a comment to the closest issue to yours is probably the best way to go.