Odin v3.14.4 is my all-purpose tool.
Next idea: Try to install /e/ OS 'O’reo 8.1.2 again
Odin v3.14.4 is my all-purpose tool.
Next idea: Try to install /e/ OS 'O’reo 8.1.2 again
Ok… so for your information:
Back to you SuzieQ…
Ok… I am keen Whats the best way to try this… Easy Installer or ?
My batteries in my mouse have run out. Now a good old wired mouse has to help out. Just a moment, please :)))
haha… always at a bad time
Yeah! easy installer is one way. The other is the same as just gone with eRecovery - via microSD Card.
well, I have just tried E.I. while phone was in eRecovery screen, but as I expected, it could NOT “find” my phone… should I put it into D/load mode and try E.I. ?
Yes, for now, this is probably the best way to achieve partial success?
ok… I restarted phone in D/L mode and tried E.I. but its been 2 mins and still can not find phone… of course I had to ignore all the tasks it tells you to do… but I guess thats obvious as I can not access phone to change settings as it wants… so next, I guess we try to reinstall eOS 8.12
Do you know a link so I get the right file… ?
AND… now I dont have TWRP, I have eRecovery… so not sure how I would flash the eOS 8.12 from here… ?
Please install at first: twrp-3.3.1-1-star2lte.img .This version works with well with e/ OS 'O’reo
Cool I had that already D/loaded ready to go… just not sure “how” to install TWRP now ???
UPDATE: I have put this TWRP file on the microSD
Can you install *.IMG or not?
Can try out in the meantime if adb sideload works …
Sorry S… not sure what you mean… I can install the .img file on the SD card ready to use… but I dont know “how” to use it to “install” TWRP…
Can try out if adb sideload
works …
ok… how ? I have eRecovery running and if I tap on Advanced, I see an option for Enable ADB
Okay, please wait 10 minutes. I have a bold idea. I need to try it myself before recommending it.
No problem… thanks S.
It does not work! I’ll think of something else …
ok… thx.
Are you based in Europe ? I am in Australia, so its 10:38 AM here… just thinking it might be getting late for you…
Yes I’m European. I have little time to sleep because I’ve more interesting things to do. But that you bring it up is very thoughtful of you …