Which phone is best current choice running E/OS (after many failures)

Good morning aibd, Always room for a new adventure. No worries, no offense taken. I totally appreciate your and everybody else’s input in trying to help me out. If the rest of the world would be as helpful as the people on this forum this would be a different world ;-),

I am sorry but I think I do not quite understand what you are proposing.

Do you mean on which website I found the image? In trying to find a solution I visited so many website. I can’t remember which it was. This is the name of the file I downloaded

Do you mean still starting from scratch with Oxygen 12? Yesterday I managed to get the phone running by installing e/OS T 2.2 through fastboot on slot a. In doing so I did a factory reset and wipe.

In reaction to a suggestion of @piero I installed 2.1 on slot b. After that I updated through the system updater to 2.2. Funny thing is when I restarted the phone on slot a the version had changed from 2.2. to 2.1. So I used system updater to bring it back to 2.2.

I do assume the sideload install gets done on the active slot. But given the result it now appears the install gets done either on both slots or slots get sync.
So I guess 2.2. is now installed on both slots and the recovery will be updated in the next update automatically.

I will read the link you sent about slots maybe I will understand then.

Have a very good Sunday and yes today I will be outside in the sun and BBQ.
Thanks once more.