Which phone is best current choice running E/OS (after many failures)

Installing the TWRP app is unusefull and no interrest (it was to maintain TWRP uptodate, but it don’t works anymore, for years)…
If you want to use TWRP you need to flash the device dedicated .IMG


I think @eosfan want to use a recovery compatible .ZIP (also called OTA file) to install OxygenOS instead of flashing all the partitions .IMG using fastboot and the flash-all script
The recovery-e can do that as well as TWRP, both are custom recovery managers.


The lack of boot direct to recovery could be a consequense of the missleading official /e/ instruction
That annonce “temporary boot to recovery” in the title BUT in the text give the command to permanently flash
fastboot flash boot recoveryname.img
instead of
fastboot boot recoveryname.img .

(It is my major insatisfaction against /e/ team : the install instruction are inacurate, even after multiple signalements and severals years)

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Thanx I did not know that. Thought it would be a quicker way perhaps.

Thanks Piero. Little confused here. I use the term recovery always for an e/os image like this one
and I have found this file to install Oxygen but this is not a recovery image is it?

That is a little confusing!

The prefix IMG is a clue or hint that this is a package containing recovery and boot images.

Let's look inside
$ cd Downloads/guacamole/
$ ls -Ral

recovery-IMG-e-2.2-t-20240717417775-dev-guacamole.zip 	# This is the downloaded .zip
recovery-IMG-e-2.2-t-20240717417775-dev-guacamole		# Unzip produces this directory


														# Now looking in that directory we find the following:



So, in this case, the actual e-Recovery looks like this


Maybe @piero would know the answer, but without a link to the source I don’t know for sure. I suggest a link is best to get an answer here, but you can always unzip the file and look inside, what is there?

I understand with e/ there is the recovery file (which is very small) and the full install file.
What I did before is using the full install file 1.3 Gb e-2.2-t-20240717417775-dev-guacamole.zip
and not the recovery file.

This is what is inside the Oxygen file.

So it is a recovery compatible file, not a fastboot compatible one

Thank you Piero. The way to install this one as describe in previous posted links by you and @aibd bd?

I am sorry @eosfan, I am not sure I understand the question; I would need to know the source of the file and read everything accompanying it to comment. (There are so many different links above!)

By curiosity,
One could extract the files included into the “payload.bin” compressed folder, and then list the partitions that will be modified by this OxygenOS recovery compatible update file (also called OTA update file).


but @aibd is right to ask for the context around the link where you got this file.
Please share the URL of the download page…


Trusting that, as claimed with “T” builds, /e/OS install file now include the needed firmware parts, Following my advise, you have performed a “dirty upgrade” from /e/OS-R to /e/OS-T (the Punk way)

From my comprehension, to restart from scratch (the Ultra Orthodox procedure), you may need to reflash an Android 11 based full stock firmware (fastboot compatible, containing all partitions) and apply this ultimate Official OxygenOS OTA upgrade to latest Android 12 (recovery compatible, implemented upgrade) from system updater or from stock recovery.

A medium way could consider that because you had an Android 11 based stock installation before /e/OS-R, you may just need to apply the stock OTA upgrade to android 12 based OxygenOS

then from there, start with the/e/ process (unlock the bootloader and flash a custom recovery and install /e/OS-T)

This is were I downloaded the file. I am trying to prepare for the next time I have to install it anew. I will do it from scratch then. I understand I have to start installing android 11 and than update to 12 before I install e/os. So I am trying to find the right file and method to do that.

Oxygen 12

Hi Piero, Posted the link where I downloaded the file already.oxygen 12

Punk way sounds nice :wink: :slight_smile:

I have the system up and running for now and happy with it, for as long as it will last and I don’t run in to trouble.

The next time I run into trouble I will do a pristine orthodox install. So I am very happy with your information on that so I won’t have to go through the stress finding the install information when the phone crashes again.
Would this file I posted be a good start. I did not manage to extract the bin file but maybe you can tell from the link I provided?

Your link @eosfan points to https://service.oneplus.com/global/search/search-detail?id=2096329&articleIndex=1 and I get an Access Denied message: You don’t have permission to access “Search Detail” on this server.

When I use my OnePlus account, the nearest I can get to is OnePlus Support (United Kingdom) but a search for OnePlus7ProOxygen_21.P.45_OTA_0450_all_2206171138_fa345ce5f997412d.zip finds nothing. Sorry.

the page is called :
OnePlus Smartphone Software Update

you will find it on https://service.oneplus.com/global
→ Hamburger menu → Support → Software Upgrade
(Get the latest OxygenOS updates for your device)

the link is called :
OnePlus 7 Pro System

• Updated Android Security Patch to 2022.06

• Improved system stability August 12, 2022 2.41 GB 4acf05ccac88d5bc6097b78ffb7e17ab Download Here

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Thanks very much @piero the oxygenos.oneplus.net link works so I commenced a download.

Otherwise the UK is a different world. All OnePlus.com urls redirect to UK (for instance OnePlus Official Site - OnePlus (United Kingdom))

What's inside ?

Regular unzipping of this file reveals:







3. payload-dumper-go extracts

to a folder extracted_20240813_205719/

extracted_20240813_205719$ ls -s
total 6014824
   2112 abl.img          98308 boot.img           52 devcfg.img      480 hyp.img           7780 LOGO.img      1464 oem_stanvbk.img       24 storsec.img        8 vbmeta.img         3120 xbl.img
    200 aop.img            504 cmnlib64.img    65540 dsp.img      334796 india.img       166820 modem.img       72 qupfw.img        3555332 system.img   1048580 vendor.img
    828 bluetooth.img      388 cmnlib.img      16384 dtbo.img        256 keymaster.img   102404 odm.img     606132 reserve.img         3116 tz.img           124 xbl_config.img
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Goodmorning @aibd and @piero. Is this file the right one to do a fresh install? If so by what method? Excuse me I was mistaken it is of course not android 12 but 11 .

Have a very good day!

Good morning, did you try to get the firmware by this (Oxygen Updater) method already? Update firmware on guacamole | LineageOS Wiki

Thank you very much aibd, No I did not, but sounds like a good option. I don’t have to reverse back to android 11 first I understand? Or first install 11 and then run the oxygen updater?

What is your exact model number ?

the previously downloaded files is for GM21AA

here are screenshot of a GM1910 getting GM1910_11_H_33

but GM1911 get even newer GM1911_11_H_36

Do you mean this one?
Before I was running 1917. After my upgrade to e/os 2.2 it is 1911

Correct. You would simply install the third party app and see what update is proposed.

You should probably choose an option that allows you to download the proposed upgrade, say to your SD card or to an OTG USB drive.