Why not Firefox as default browser

but there is no app for Waterfox… :man_shrugging:

I trying Waterfox on Linux but couldn’t find no APK.

this is long debate though…

what we can hope as /e/ users is how ungoogled/un-tracker-ed will e-browser be in the future (short and long term).
whatever the open source code, how /e/ team will be able to unplug the trackers from google or any other third party.

You can find Waterfox apk at https://apkplz.net/app/net.waterfox.waterfox

Waterfox is spyware!


"Waterfox connects to spyware services when it is first run
If you start up Waterfox for the first time, it will make 109 requests[5] to several spyware platforms, most notably Google Analytics, and Mozilla online services like its Geolocation service, and several other Mozilla services, as well as Waterfox’s own update service. You can look at a list of these requests here or a on mirror here.

Waterfox has a communication problem
There has been some controversy over Waterfox’s privacy policy[1]. At the time of writing, it claims that Waterfox sends “Webpage data to Google’s SafeBrowsing service,” meaning that at one point, both Google and Waterfox were spying on all of your internet activity. However, according to this reddit thread[2], this is no longer true: therefore, Waterfox’s privacy policy does not necessarily reflect what information the browser currently collects. The lack of detail and clarity in the privacy policy is also very concerning. For example, in the abovementioned section titled “Webpage data to Google’s SafeBrowsing service,” there are links to a Firefox Knowledge Base article and Google’s privacy policy, neither of which actually explain what data is sent by Waterfox to Google. If this were still accurate, it would have some serious privacy implications (and would certainly bump up the spyware rating of this program). An inaccurate and outdated privacy policy - i.e. one that does not correctly explain what information is being shared - is a serious red flag for any privacy-conscious user.

Waterfox “phones home” with information about your computer whenever you start it up
According to its privacy policy[1], Waterfox collects the following information by default:

Waterfox version
Operating system
Language settings
Installed Waterfox Add-ons
Waterfox shares this information with Mozilla and will collect this information every time you launch Waterfox."


Bad news, thanks for sharing the info.
But maybe “spyware” is a little too much ? :smirk:

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I think, if you need Tor Browser without Tor Network, you should use a real Tor Browser without connection to Tor Network. The main advantage of Tor Browser is its uniformity, which is almost impossible to recreate with regular Firefox. In addition, some of the Tor Browser’s privacy mechanics are still its exclusives and not available anywhere else.

You’re not quite correct about that. Tor Browser provides other values of some of these preferences, and you will definitely stand out from the crowd if you change them. Tor’s values are as follows:

privacy.trackingprotection.enabled — false (this is a fig leaf that can even make things worse)
security.tls.version.min — 1
webgl.disabled — false (And as far as I know, privacy.resistFingerprinting already includes some countermeasures to the fingerprinting via WebGL)

If you prefer the tactic of enhancing browser’s privacy using about:config, it is better to take a regular Firefox and implement ghacks user.js.

That’s right, but isn’ t very convenient. I use this method only for the disc cache, while for the rest prefer a selective approach, which is possible thanks to the add-ons like Site Bleacher, History Cleaner and etc.


Thank you for your reply.

Actually I was aware of ghacks and the possibility to use the Tor Browser without TOR and the fact Do Not Track could be counter productive.

But when NoScrip is blocking everything :

Both Tor Browser and Firefox show exactly the same thing at amiunique.org and aren’t unique.
(so in that case, no need to use the Tor Browser for more privacy because it can’t be better.)

But when amiunique.org is allowed in NoScript :

Yes Firefox and Tor Browser aren’t exactly the same BUT both are unique. So it won’t be better if I use the Tor Browser instead of Firefox.

Am I wrong ?


Hello English-speaking e-People!

I whole-heartedly agree that Firefox should be the default browser. Perhaps Opera could be offered for such a position.

Anything that has to be de-Googleified or de-Facebookised should never appear on the /e/ horizon.


Yeah, right!

Oh, wait!
/e/ is actually de-Googleised Android.


+1 for Firefox here, as I first suggested about 10 months ago but didn’t manage to cause such a passionate debate!

I can’t find a single argument against Firefox which hasn’t been addressed or completely debunked (wow some people need to educate themselves before posting…).

I think that the simple answer is either that 1) Gael didn’t like Firefox for Android app UI or 2) Mozilla refuse to allow one of their branded products to be bundled in /e/. Both are very plausible explanations.

I use Firefox nightly on Android and I like it, it’s hugely powerful and performance is great. Bromite, by comparison, seems like a toy version of a browser to me.

Cheers :slight_smile:


There is a new browser available. I think that’s a good one for e.
The only thing I don’t like is the size. 150 mb for an web browser on android is really a lot and when trying to check trackers, ClassyShark is crashing.

Which browser is it?

ups, sorry, BRAVE browser

After some test i have gotten this screen. … . Reporting my personal data and no way to.change/block it.

EDIT: Mozilla critics removed

Sorry but… Where is the leak ? You are in Brave on qwant.com. What is Mozilla doing wrong ?


Brave is a new browser from an mozilla manager. So you are right. It’s not really Mozilla, but the ex-employee makes the same as he has learned or done in his old company.

And also stupid is, that qwant ‘tells’ me, that i should use ‘brave browser’ :crazy_face::man_facepalming: while i’m using it :woman_facepalming:t5::man_facepalming::woman_facepalming:t5::man_facepalming:

Really a sleek browser, I am using it from time to time, but it is based on Chrome/Chromium as well and with a business model unfortunately related to acceptable ads.

Sounds like you do not understand what is happening. Qwant simply lets you know that your user agent is really specific and could be used by fingerprinting techniques to identify you. This is by no mean a personal data leak. And user agent CAN be changed, for what it’s worth.

Aren’t you done with spreading fake undocumented news about Mozilla?


No it can’t in Brave browser. That’s the problem

And for that statement there is a clarifying in my other post