Hello everyone,
Zac C (@konverts) at Gitlab confirmed the “Reddit” fix. He was able to enable Wi-fi Calling on his dual-sim S9 by edit/adding these lines to the /system/build.prop file using adb in recovery:
- persist.data.iwlan.enable=true
- persist.dbg.wfc_avail_ovr=1
Now, off to the next hurdle: Is there anyone who would be so kind as to point me in the right direction as to editing build.prop within recovery?
- I can access the device via adb from my PC
- I have TWRP recovery loaded.
Stumbling block: I do not know the command(s) to copy the current build.prop to PC for editing purposes and then the command to push the edited build.prop back to the device. Now onto search “ADB Commands”!
Also, @manoj perhaps there is a way for this fix to be integrated into future builds- that would be awesome.
Thanks again,