Adding new apps at

I vote for disabling Recommendations app. Waste of screen real estate


The screenshot above shows recently used apps or opened documents i guess. Also this is from nextcloud the ecloud screen also looks similar with different logo though

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Yes this is my Nexcloud from other provider. The point is if Recommendations app is disabled it will not show up and you get little bit more space on the screen. Besides it’s useless and distracting.

But on ecloud it’s all the same

Yes. The screenshot is from Nextcloud with Recommendation app ENABLED.

Nice call !

I am looking for :

  • a rich note tool like Evernote or Damapio Notes 3.0.2 (payed one) or Carnet (nextcloud)
  • a mind mapping tool : mind map (nextcloud))
  • a private location track : owntrack (nextcloud)
  • a things on the map tool : helping during traveling to link photos : Photos on the map (nextcloud)
  • a cleaning encouragement tool like : “Keep or Sweep” (nextcloud)

I love /e/, Gaël

Best regards

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hello, I’m using Joplin which synchronizes automatically notes with Nextcloud without installing anything more at i’m using Joplin on my e phone, on my android tablet and on my linux laptop. Not find anything more simple and functional :wink:

Hi everyone,

Bookmarks definitively !

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I would like to try:

  • Carnet
  • Talk
  • PhoneTrack
  • Maps
  • Bookmarks

Tnx for bringing this topic.


For me it would be usefull PhoneTrack, carnet notes, sms to cloud, music cloud player (like spotify) with your own music library

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Very true. The webmail is very slow. hardly usable in fact.


For me, it could be very nice to have :

  • a better Notes/Tasks manager (like Carnet)
  • a way for saving and reading web articles (I’am thinking about wallabag)
  • a tool for brainstorming (mind mapping fr example)

From Framagenda, there some good applications. Using the survey tool could meet one of my needs, but it’s required /e/ be more interoperable with other Nextcloud instances firstly.

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In times like these maybe a videochat tool already integrated in the cloud (i saw the one that got published 5 mins ago) like usable with the nextcloud talk app
 Providing a usable alternativ to facetime, hangouts/duo, microsoft and many more

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In this time the bandwhith is needed for homeworker, hospitals and other business. Now using a video chat for private use (calling mum, dad, or grannys) is contra productive !!


Yes guntramplease do me a favour and go offline just like you suggested, no offense :wink: it would also more be like a future goal it s not only for this time now for you clarification :slight_smile:

Oh, I do. No video streaming, no music streaming. Only messages from time to time

I like the sound of my old Beatles LP’s

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Home office, e-learning, streaming - in Switzerland, Swisscom’s network has not withstood the stress test of the corona crisis. (Neue ZĂŒrcher Zeitung -

Yes, the rainloop webmail is slow, but quite useful. To that it is free of advertising and free of charge. I like and its services.


Password manager? A robust password manager is always required.


Nextcloud Hub :slight_smile:
Sms/mms sync


I would love to see full text search (vie elasticsearch or solr) and external storage included.


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